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Sotirios Kyrgiakos (retired)


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Ofi is Pao's bitch in more ways than one, but thats for another thread.

i hear kokkalis is ready to lure Kyriakos to the limani.........................a longshot, but you never know.

No chance. Soto hates Olympiakos as much as the most fanatic PAO fan.

Players Olympiakos can DEFINATELY write off are Karagounis, Basinas, Kirgiakos and Konstantinou.

Anyway, let's just stick to the topic about the players instead of throwing silly rumours about.

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So how does irrevelant chants and facts about OFI (or OPHI) connect in any way to the Kyrgiakos forum??? Maybe that Ophi is Pao's little b*tch and ofcourse Soto used to play for Pao. :D :P

You guys really dot not appreciate that a foreigner likes the Greek culture and wants to discuss and you have something negative to say...

Perhaps think about it.

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Firstly, that was only a joke, secondly, it was said at a pretty irrevelant time, and thirdly, spears, your talking about 2% of the anglo-saxon population, I live in England, there are alot of racists, but 98% of ppl treat you as equals. I mean, come on, its not like greek ppl dont take the mick of black-ppl, and still look down on women.

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Whao!! .........a whole new thread has started since I was last here :o

Any news on the situation? It's starting to come out here that the talking is a problem between Kyriakos and PAO....exactly as Evergreen said last week.Well done mate.I've been telling everyone that and now the media are catching up ;)

Apart from that there is no new information from this end.I doubt very much he will go to Olympiakos............more chance of signing for Ce*tic :angry:

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Today, Greek sport newspaper "Sportime" published the agreement between Kirgiakos- Panathinaikos and Rangers.

Posted Image

The straight translation says:

Agreement between:

Football club Rangers


Football club Panathinaikos

The following have been agreed to two parties:

1. Panathinaikos have temporarily agreed the transfer and registration of Sotiris Kirgiakos (the player) to Rangers for the period of 20 January 2005 until 30 June 2005 in agreement with the following articles and terms:

* The sum of 700.000 euros to be paid from the moment the players registration is accepted by the Scottish Football Assosiation and Scottish Football League.

2. During that period of time the player is to be paid by Rangers.

3. Rangers has the option in May 2005 to take the player and inform Panathinaikos by the 31st May 2005, if they have such an intention. If Rangers was to do so they will pay Panathinaikos 1.500.000 million euros and can then sign a contract with the player which will be payable(meaning paying for the player) :

*500,000 euro's to be paid by the 31st December 2005

*1.000.000 euro's to be paid by the 31st December 2006

If the player is trasfered by Rangers, Panathinaikos will be paid 10% of any amount above the sum of 2.200.000 million euros.

If the player is to sign a contract with Rangers in June 2005, Rangers will transfer a bank cheque (guarantee) for the owed sums of the third installment (1.000.000 euros).

The terms and conditions of the agreement are to remain confidential between the parties and if the player agrees with the terms and conditions and they in turn to be accepted by the Rules of Authority and the relative documents.


It's not exactly word for word cause I don't have an English -Greek dictionary for a couple words but it's pretty damn close.

It's all bit confusing and I just couldnt be arsed analysing all the legal documents but what it comes down to is that in Greece there are some regulations and contract renewls that only exist in Greek football/ sport but are not recognised abroad and what I see is Kirgiakos taking PAO to UEFA/ FIFA to win his freedom from PAO. This couldnt potentially set a precedent in Greek sporting contract.

What Greek clubs do is that they sign i.e a 3+1+1 years contract with the player. The +1 means that the club reserves the right to renew the players contract for another season without the player having the right to do anthing about it. The club can also release the player without the player getting any compensation.

PAO renewed his contract for another season and left a copy of the renewl at his family's house in the letter box with a witness present because no one was home and the gates where shut firm.

Basically it's all "a big kerfufle" as Lou would say from Little Britain :D










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Thanks Evergreen once again.This is a very strange situation indeed.If this happening and it goes to UEFA the I can see PAO losing big time.The Greek FA seem to be as daft as the SFA.A bunch of pen pushing desk jockey's.

If it drags on then I can see Rangers having to do without Soti in the early part of the season. :o

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Some reports from journalists say that PAO have made a mistake in Kirgiakos' agreement with Rangers and could lose the player for nothing.

It's also rumoured that Olympiakos is considering to sign the player if he becomes a free agent.

The day Kirgiakos signs for Olympiakos is the day I quit follwing football and the day I start enjoying the lifestyle of a f*****. I'll have my own patch on Suggrou and offer my services for free.

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Some reports from journalists say that PAO have made a mistake in Kirgiakos' agreement with Rangers and could lose the player for nothing.

It's also rumoured that Olympiakos is considering to sign the player if he becomes a free agent.

The day Kirgiakos signs for Olympiakos is the day I quit follwing football and the day I start enjoying the lifestyle of a f*****. I'll have my own patch on Suggrou and offer my services for free.

I agree EG,the Gapa can :not: eat s%$#! & die & the Gypsies should stick to melon's & clothespegs.

Hope Ranger's get Olympiakos in CL as they would be an easy team-Kiri wouldn't let them score & Dado would do a Gerrard to humiliate them in the second half.

I take that you consider yourself Hellenic & not Greek.

Gapa Bitches should not be cheeky to their Pana Bitchmaster-are youse enjoying yer home games yet :nw:


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has Soto officially sued Panathinaikos to FIFA or UEFA? if that's the case what were the details of Soto's inital contract with PAO? He was earning €70k per year but what was the length of his contract? in other words, when would it expire if Rangers or some team else did not wish to loan or buy him? these are very important questions and must be truely and correctly answered. If PAO had the option to lengthen his contract, then Soto has no rights. But if it is vice-versa, than PAO can have big time problems on behalf of Soto...

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No, he hasn't yet. He can't and won't sue them. He can only take them to court to win his freedom.

The situation is very unclear and there is a lot of confusion. In addition to that there are other facts we don't know of.

The only definate thing is that Soto will never play for PAO again (as long us our current bastard management own the club).

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Whats pissin me off is the way soto wants to 'win his freedom'.

Come on, I mean Soto could have been our best player, but we decided to sell for some money instead, and now PAO is getting nothing for possibly greece's future best defender. Kyriakos wants to leave PAO, fine, but we have to get something from it.

It really shouldnt matter how different country sporting laws work, if its written on a contract you have to follow the contract, dont you?

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It really shouldnt matter how different country sporting laws work, if its written on a contract you have to follow the contract, dont you?

Try telling that to Jean-marc Bosman.It's all down to EU law and all that these days,they can force FA's to accept EU labour laws on everyone.If I were a PAO fan I would be upset at the clubs directors for allowing this to happen.I'm still not fully convinced Soti will be a Rangers player next season but thewait is certainly interesting.
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That's interesting to hear.

This automatic extension that Greek clubs can activate will be challenged sooner or later by some player.I just hope it is not Kyriakos as he wouldn't be able to play for anyone while it gets sorted out.Of course the easy way would be for PAO to offer 4 year deals instead of 3+1 for example.It looks like Soti will get a bigger signing on fee if we don't have to pay as much for him as was first agreed.

The opinion of most Rangers fans seems to be annoyance at Bain...........we had an agreement with PAO,we should pay what was first agreed.I have no doubts that Bain is in the background encouraging Kyrgiakos to play this game.

Anyway,Evergreen - Thanks once again for your insight into this shambles. :tup:

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You're welcome Nelly B) (by the way are you male or female?)

To tell the truth...I used to support Celtic until Soto joined Rangers. I told Johnny so too. The 1st old firm I saw with Soto...I wanted the best for him and the best for him is the best for Rangers. Unless ofcourse they play PAO. Then it changes ofcourse. I'm even playing Championship Manager with a Celtic fan and control Rangers :D I'm even starting to develop a hatred for Celtic :tup:

Yeah, you can go on and call me a bluenose, a fellow Hun etc...but it will last only as long as Soto is in your ranks ;)

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:LOL: I'm male Evergreen.

Heard today that Soti has a new Italian agent and there are rumours of interest from Inter Milan.

Today is the day that his deal with Rangers officialy finishes but we are refusing to hand over his registration to PAO. :o

I wonder what the next twist in this tale will be?

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