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2009 NFL Season


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Free agency starts midnight tonight. For those of us who follow this sport, we know that the season actually begins midnight. Which is why people get paid salaries for an entire year. Some big names out there Albert Hainsworth from Tennessee, who will probably sign with the Redskins for some Crazy amount.

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Some big names out there Albert Hainsworth from Tennessee, who will probably sign with the Redskins for some Crazy amount.

You are right he did sign with the Dedskins for 100 million dollars. He got a 7 year contract!!! That is crazy money.
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  • 1 month later...

^ I saw that, the Bears have the "easiest" schedule according to ESPN, although teams can be like night and day from one year to the next, so I'm not reading too much into it.

What I am excited about is we got Jake Cutler so we might finally (after some 25 years, and 25 different starters) have a good QB. Now all we need is someone for him to throw it too. :LOL:

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That's insane. I always hated giving these guys who have never proven themselves in the NFL (very different from college ball), these huge contracts. I've seen too many busts in the draft. Make them earn that amount after a couple years. Personally, I think it would make them better players. Look at Brady, I'm sure he wasn't earning what he deserved in the beginning, but now he has proven himself and he's getting paid what he's worth.

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That's insane. I always hated giving these guys who have never proven themselves in the NFL (very different from college ball), these huge contracts. I've seen too many busts in the draft. Make them earn that amount after a couple years. Personally, I think it would make them better players. Look at Brady, I'm sure he wasn't earning what he deserved in the beginning, but now he has proven himself and he's getting paid what he's worth.

it would be nice if the NFL came up with some sort of rookie salaty cap for at least a 2 year period, since the avg. nfl carear lasts for 4 years. the nflpa is made up with veteran players who most of them had to earn their salaries. if it came up to a vote i would not be surprised to see a cap.
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  • 2 months later...

Vick signs with the Eagles.. WOW.. there is no need at qb there. Pre-season here. we are getting closer to kickoff.

They'll probably give him some playing this preseason. I'd like to see the fans banners at the games from the animal rights groups. They were already lining up in protest over the signing.
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He wasn't interested in starting - at least not this season. He did not consider himself ready for prime time at this stage. The pressure for him to perform would have been too high if he went to a team that needed a quarterback. He can stay for a year with the Eagles, run some exotic plays with McNabb and then move on with his career.

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Yes, what a joke!!! Taking in Favre - $12 M unconditionally!!! No performance related money - will spell the end of Brad Childress with the Vikings as well (according to me of course! ). But yes, I agree. What a joke!

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Lazare ehoume kai gamo tin omatha fetos. Ha,ha don't we as Eagle fans say this every year though. Hopefully, all the improvements can lead us to the promise land this year.

I am a little concerned about the injuries though. The season did not even start and we have lost our staring MLB for the year.

As for Vick, I agree this is the perfect situation for him (no pressure). Hey, if anyone thinks they got him to sit on the bench, they are out of their minds. Fat Andy is up all night drawing up plays where he can incorporate this WEAPON into the offense.

I think the one thing that will hurt us the most this year is losing Jimmy Johnson (RIP JJ)

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Vick can't pass the ball for shiiite! I've seen him live and he's talented as hell in getting away from linesman, but i'm probably as good as him in passing the ball (QB anyone :whistle:). I have a feeling this trend of having running backs as QB's will die out as soon as they realize they always seem to choke in high stakes games as in the playoffs. No need for more than one RB. QB is my favorite position, the brains, the player that can send the ball 50 yards down the field with his arm in one play. Vick runs tooooo much and he was great his first 1-2 years, but his style has been exposed and a good defensive linebacker will stop him most of the time.

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