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Anorthosis v. Panathinaikos


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nO PAO OR DEATH.. TO net DEIXVEI TO PAO..... ESEI MILAS GIA ERT. To ert den einai NET... h NET apefthias apo ellada deixvei to pao giati exouv ta dikaiomata STHN ELLADA.. ektos sinora.. einai eksartatai me to kratos.

For example... In Canada and North america, ESPN have the rights to show champions league games. suffice it to say that they never show greek teams in the cl. so in most cases its SETANTA that offers the game on a pay per view basis.

Im not sure where u are from but if its in north america, either usa, or canada, these r the rules. ERT world doesnt have the exact programmin that NET does.

Hope i cleared it up for you.

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Gilberto should be arrested by the Greek Police. He is robbing PAE of 9 million euros, he looks like he came up from Kavala FC last year. BUt we wont spend a penny on on our defense.....

time is ticking, a win is fading, a tie still possible - but not eventual , an out of nowhere type deal...

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