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He also had a Cocaine problem didn't he? Not that it matters if it was in his personal life but that could have had a huge impact on his playing ability giving him all that energy...

Cocaine problem...or solution?

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 He also had a Cocaine problem didn't he? Not that it matters if it was in his personal life but that could have had a huge impact on his playing ability giving him all that energy...


I'm not an expert, but I doubt his drug addiction was an advantage or some sort of competitive edge. If anything it would be a detriment.

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Aside from the drug taking, Maradona has been very controversial and outspoken, to the point where most people would think he is a total dickhead (and I wouldn't disagree). 


Nevertheless, his football ability went beyond all that and he is still considered a "genius" despite all the negative stuff.   

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^^ No I'm not mad at all! It's just a conversation, and all us "older" folk are saying is that you can't just look at the present and discount the past - most young kids today do that, and it's understandable because they didn't see the players of the past.


Messi is a great player, there's no doubt, but there have also been other great players before him, many many of them.  

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Maradona was partying quite hard in his Napoli days, and if the gangsters had allowed it, he would have had more titles during his time there, but they would have lost too much gambling revenues. True story.


"New allegations have emerged that several players at Diego Maradona's former club, Napoli, were involved with the Neapolitan mafia in the late 1980s and may have deliberately lost the 1988 Italian league championship to help out underground bookmakers in exchange for cocaine and wild parties with call girls."



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I'm not an expert, but I doubt his drug addiction was an advantage or some sort of competitive edge. If anything it would be a detriment.


Reminds me of that old Robin Williams line about Lance Armstrong. "It's chemotherapy, you a**hole!" In that not all drugs are performance-enhancing.


Loses a lot of its impact in retrospect, of course...

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Pana what has Messi done mate? He hasn't done nothing with the NT and he has had quality players around him along the way and he still cant win a world cup or copa America.


6 years or not the love for a player doesn't change.


Did you see what happened in Brazil in 2014? The fans went to shopping centres in Brazil singing Maradona's name not Messi's, now tell me who do they love more?


People do like Messi no doubt but Argentinians will always have Maradona above anyone.

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CR7 is a poacher? Are you for real dude? Wow.

So what if he made 2 finals, Baggio has made finals, Sneijder has made finals, many player make finals that doesn't mean anything.


Do you see Messi scoring headers like Ronaldo? Do you see Messi hitting 40 m free kicks like CR7? These are reasons why CR7 is more complete he has more to his game than Messi, I didn't say one is better than the other though.


As for Messi yes he may do well when he plays for Argentina, but until he wins something for the NT he will always be in Maradona's shadow.

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Who said he couldn't score freekicks? I said do you see him hitting them from 40m out like CR7 does.


Wow re does it make you a better player if you play in multiple positions? No it doesn't it just shows you can be versatile and just to answer you CR7 can and has played RW LW AM and ST, same positions Messi plays.


That's why people don't say Ronaldo is the best ever because he hasn't done it for his country.


A complete player would have a heading ability about him also Pana, height isn't an issue and I could give you many examples of short players who score headers.


But Messi is surrounded by great players you cant deny that mate, Ronaldo has dominated in 2 of the worlds best leagues, you think Messi would do that in England? No as the pace of the game doesn't suit him doing that week in week out......


You may be tried of hearing it from everyone, but when everyone is saying the same thing don't you think they have a point?

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Again you are misunderstanding me, I said does he score headers like Ronaldo, same way you misunderstood about free kicks.


Have you not seen the free kicks Ronaldo has scored for United as example? Or the 30-40m rockets he scores?

Ronaldo single handily won the CL for United. He has won it with Madrid also.


You cant be serious now and say why doesn't he take on 4-5 players at the same time, you really make yourself sound clueless at times with comments like those.....


And once again you misunderstood, I know he scores against English teams, today was the 1st time he ever scored against Arsenal, but my point is will he do that week in week out in the EPL? Norwich, Villa and Stoke's are the teams he would face tougher defenders as they are ruthless and would mark him out of the game.


Please man when he was injured Barca had NO ISSUES at all Neymar and Suarez stepped up and continued winning games for Barca and they didn't lose 3 games they've only lose twice all season in the league and CL. One game they lost Messi was playing (1-4 to Vigo) and the other he wasn't (1-2 Sevilla) so your argument there is flawed.


Ex/current players such as Xavi, Iniesta, Zidane, Ronaldinho, Edgar Davids, Pep Guardiola, Henry, Cesc, Vieira, Pirlo just to name a few have said Paul Scholes is the greatest midfielders they have ever seen, ex players are allowed to voice their opinion doesn't mean they are always correct.


You are too young and you're in a generation that never saw old school players and what they did and that was at a time when they had not even a quarter of the technology the players of this generation have available to them.....

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Ronaldo is more a complete player dude like it or not that's a fact, he has it all - speed, dribbling, strength, air ability, use of both feet, just to name a few....


So because a player takes on 4-5 players that means that makes you complete? Dumbest thing I have ever heard.


Bale, Drogba, Baggio, Adebayor, Mueller, Goetze, Zidane, Capello, Klopp, even Maradona has said he is more complete than Messi, what does that tell you when Maradona over looks his own countryman? Even Neymar & Pique have said it about Ronaldo and Messi is their team mate.


Do you know how many players have done that over the years? Even the shittest players have ran and taken on 4-5 defenders.


Just an FYI Maradona took on a whole England NT, had 7 defenders around him at one stage and still got past them, Brazilian Ronaldo has done the same, Baggio did the same in his first ever goal for Italy, Ronadinho did the same too, so does that make them complete players because they did that?


I will say it again you have no idea and it just showed when you ignored all the things I mentioned above when you were trying to tell me Barca struggled without Messi or the fact of the smaller EPL teams who play a much rougher and physical game than the bigger EPL sides would be a big challenge for Messi.


Ronaldo has dominated 2 leagues, 3 if you want to add in Portugal where as Messi has only done it in 1 league and that's what tells you who is more complete and better.

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Bale, Drogba, Baggio, Adebayor, Mueller, Goetze, Zidane, Capello, Klopp, even Maradona has said he is more complete than Messi, what does that tell you when Maradona over looks his own countryman? Even Neymar & Pique have said it about Ronaldo and Messi is their team mate.


Cryuff has said that CR is the best as well, but it is really off puting to see how much of a brat he is. Attitude can be good in a way, like Zlatan for example, cocky, bad ass etc. but with CR it's not in that vein, he is like a baby that will throw a tantrum if he doesn't get his toy.

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Look he is arrogant and selfish but you know what he is allowed to be since he's proved it in everyway how good a player he is, this is the reason he doesn't get the same accolades as Messi because of things like that, but that shouldn't affect people's decisions on saying who the better player is or if he's one of the bets ever.


I think Zlatan is way more arrogant than CR7 but when you go against the Jews as Ronaldo has done and Messi sides with the Jews, this is what you get......

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