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Everything posted by pash

  1. You'd think after this disaster of a performance, that would be the case. But it's looked obvious for ages now. The logical choice is to give Mistakidis a run, but I have a feeling that if Campos somehow is sidelined, we'll see Shakhov or Biseswar there instead. Anyone but the logical choice.
  2. On the plus side - four yellows for their players. Didn't expect that.
  3. Never mind my post...here's what the team's twitter says: 90+9' Ο Αρετόπουλος στέλνει τις δύο ομάδες στα αποδυτήρια #OLYPAOK #SuperLeague
  4. So I guess that's game. Did the team just get up and walk off? I leave the room for two seconds and now this?
  5. If those studs were any higher, they'd be arrested for possession
  6. Here's another link, they're starting to drop/get spotty: http://live.shwidget.com/static/freeplayer/41327708061920.html
  7. Excellent recovery by Varela on what was nearly a breakaway
  8. Agreed. Nice cross by Rodrigues, Klaus was just a little off
  9. I'd want to see Biseswar for Canas (just due to the card) and Mistakidis for Campos. If we go up a goal, get another defender on there. If not, Pereyra. This is a winnable game.
  10. Almost...we're definitely looking tighter than vs the Azeris
  11. You're not the only one. Metropolis is very entertaining right now. Shenanigans abound.
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