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Everything posted by pash

  1. It is literally of no use arguing with him. I'm still waiting to see the detailed P&L statement from the team that confirms those transfer fees and their related expenditures. Or even how they define "net income." Something tells me they don't know what that means. Any sources for any of these numbers or claims? For any of those teams? Hmmm? Also: 30mm in income - gross or net - over 3 years? That's supposed to be a lot of money? Are you shittin' me? I wonder what Souroti's income was during that same period. I guarantee you they are a lot more profitable than any sports club in Greece. I can totally buy that Savvidis wanted an "in" with the locals so he could buy up some attractive businesses. I've made that claim myself in the past, and I have no issues with it. The thought that PAOK is anything but a massive money sink for him, though, implies a hilariously credulous reading of conspiratorial nonsense.
  2. Weird, I could have sworn there was. I distinctly remember muting that tzatziki troll years ago. But I just checked on your profile and I couldn't. Maybe the site knows I could never mute YOU ❤️
  3. Exactly. Absolutely no context. For shame (I'm also looking at you, @PaokCT - don't think I didn't notice that smarmy tweet!). Incidentally, I muted that account years ago. Can't trust people who live in the upside-down.
  4. Are we also going to blame them to lighting flares and using laser pointers in our supporters section?
  5. Siopis may still be in play, for around 1.5mm (transfer fee, not contract, which I'd imagine would be around that much). Maksimovic might not be coming this year because the team knows they can easily get him next summer for free (and Getafe seems to still want too much money). If Siopis is a good enough Augusto replacement, this would be a solid move IMO...we'd lock down a starter for next year, while still being all set for this year. Schwab will be gone by then as well. Of course, this isn't stopping someone else from snapping him up over this next season. So who knows!
  6. I have a very clear memory of Shakhov being shaken early in his time with us, to the point where it was addressed by Ivic to the press. He settled in as well. Sometimes it just takes time. Would be a real sight to see Samatta urinating himself as he wanders around the box though.
  7. I swear to God if the new players get too intimidated by our own fans to play I'm'a burn down SKG
  8. Reportedly he (Bradonjic) didn't want to sit in the B team for another year. Considering he scored 11 goals in 22 games, from what I recall, I don't blame him. I could 100% see us overpaying for a guy who scored in 50% of his games in a second division team, while letting this guy walk. Just you wait, it'll happen.
  9. I went into this very nervous, and came out of it optimistic. If Hajduk was going to slap us around, this was the game it was going to happen in. Livaja very dangerous. We still have a lot of work to do, but at least the team can attack. Terrible attempts at crossing by Narey almost all night though. Missed his targets virtually every time. Probably implies we need Samatta in there. Kotarski a monster as usual. I also, however, figured that if it was still scoreless at 60, that the team would just waste time and park the bus. Sad to say, I am an expert seer of the future.
  10. Reports are that we accepted an offer of 6mm for 80% of Augusto's rights. That is a GREAT deal for us, even if we owe some of that to the people from the canal. Expect Maksimovic to be bought very soon. -edit- might be 5.5. Guess we'll learn eventually. With 30% going to the untrustworthy ones.
  11. lmao definitely the guy who is a fan of that team
  12. So not much of a mystery there, considering how many people have been insisting on it haha Hopefully he's good! And cheap!
  13. I've never met a person from Corinth that I trusted!
  14. Come on Getafe, compromise on 3.5! Come on Nantes, give us 6!
  15. ^ hahaha Funny enough I misread the wiki article about qualifiers last week and thought this game was already decided (thus my strange post on the last game thread). I'm glad this came about, though. Just need to get through the Croatians first...
  16. The oft-unreliable media is saying both that Nantes is in heated negotiation with PAOK, AND not in negotiation at all. The team is DEFINITELY selling Augusto soon, but also not even considering it. Maksimovic will cost us 8mm, but his team is only asking for 4mm, and the player really wants to play here and so will force the team to sell for even less than 4. That Colombian winger's potential suitors have dried up (particularly with the SA transfer windows closing), but he is also somehow in hot demand in Europe. Ahh this is the best time of the year.
  17. I dunno people seemed to love him before. I really can't recall, but he had potential. Maybe still does? I could see us selling him and keeping Koulierakis though. We really do need to have a pipeline in the team, but we don't necessarily need to keep both. I also don't think anyone should be written off after only having played a few games after a major injury.
  18. Yup, the hardest of the games in this set of qualifiers - if we beat them, it looks like we'll be up against the winner of Rosenborg vs Hearts. Both of which are much less formidable than Hajduk.
  19. Ideally, what we'll see is Samatta crush it and Tzimas challenge him. Brandon hopefully will end up riding the bench for most of the season (fingers crossed). I do think he looked pretty decent out there - the strong target man that Lucescu loves and that Oliveira wasn't. I don't think he'll have much trouble taking Brandon's spot.
  20. Yeah, but...you seem to believe every conspiracy theory? It's okay to leave the Greek baggage behind when you're not in Greece!
  21. I watched the game on mute on my phone while attending meetings all day, so I couldn't hear the commentators or anything. But I thought this was hilarious: amazing that two own goals happened I had to do a triple take when the sprinklers kept starting up I'm liking Ekong I'm also liking Tsiggaras Beautiful "assist" by Konstantelias I don't want to sound like a broken record, but I am SOOOO over Augusto Tsiggaras + the possible Russki buy should be more than enough to cover Augusto. We'll likely come out ahead on the deal, both in terms of transfer fee costs and salary. I think we still need another attacking midfielder. I don't think Taison is it; someone needs to push Konstantelias. Do we need another winger as well? I think probably.
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