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Everything posted by Bananas

  1. Not specifically economic news but it does have flow on effects. http://www.ekathimerini.com/213843/article/ekathimerini/community/greek-doctors-continue-to-emigrate-in-large-numbers
  2. Same here. Worked at a factory in the 90's for about a year and the place was owned by 2 Greeks, with ~30 employees. The whole place, I mean the WHOLE place was on black money, lol.
  3. You haven't provided an option for "game to be abandoned". If that option were available, that's what I would select.
  4. I thought Cimirot's contract was already until 2019. Must have been 2018. Anyway, good move all round. Now they can both do a Klaus and slack off now that their immediate financial situation is secured!
  5. I was initially appalled by this, but I've since changed my mind. I was discussing this with a friend who was surprised I agreed with the hard-core Abbott "stop the boats" mantra. I said to him that in hindsight, if Labor had been more "hard-core" less people would've drowned. Abbott's position meant that people would stop attempting the dangerous journey, which means less people drowning. Also, the fact that people smugglers weren't profiting from people's misery is just an added bonus.
  6. The problem with the EU that many don't realize or choose to forget, is that it's controlled by Germany. It's not an equal partnership by any means. Does anyone believe that if Germany's economy was up the creek and they had option (a) inflation, spending, growth or option (b) deflation of 25% they would choose option (b) ?! No way in hell they would choose that. And yet that is the "medicine" they've pushed for the Greek economy. And it's not just Greece that is suffering. Another problem with the EU model is that it's inherently inflexible. Once you have a situation like that in Greece, Spain, France, Italy, Portugal, Ireland the normal tools to get you out of the rut (a) interest rates and (b) currency devaluation, aren't there anymore. There is no plan to "fix" Greece or any of these economies. The EU is a basket case that nearly all neutral economists agree is almost beyond repair. The only solution currently is deflation, which means unemployment, which means lost opportunity. Every other serious economy post GFC pumped money into their economies to avoid this situation. I'm talking the U.S., Australia, Canada, Japan. Pretty much every 1st world economy. But the EU knew better apparently. The only way this ends is if Germany chooses to end it, but I don't see that happening. If the EU was dissolved, the Deutsche Mark would quickly increase in value, making their exports expensive and uncompetitive. Germany needs the EU. It's a fundamentally undemocratic institution. May it dissolve in my life time. If it does, bbq at my house and free alcohol on me.
  7. I agree with what you're saying, but maybe if the government hadn't concentrated so much of the wealth and benefits in "the City" alone those on the fringes wouldn't have felt so disenfranchised. We can blame who we will, but the government should take a large portion of the blame for Brexit even being a possibility.
  8. I think both left and right have valid ideas. It's fair to say I'm more left than right, but I'm not against an idea just because it's right or for an idea just because it's left. As for the majority of this new age SJW issues, it makes me want to get a machine gun and start shooting.
  9. Ah, yes, I forgot Cameron was forced into the referendum vote. Still, if the remain had won with 50.1% does it mean that the views of the 49.9% should be ignored ? And likewise, I don't feel that the leave winning with 52% was a strong enough result. But it is what it is. The important thing to note is that regardless how the future pans out for England, there is a large portion of the population that is not happy with specific elements of EU policy. The main one being immigrants driving down wages. Even if this idea can be debunked, it's a fact that this was the main driver for the result. The EU and England did not do enough to address this issue ... somehow. Parliament gambled and lost big time. They expected to win, and not do anything about the immigration issue. When it would have been better in my opinion, to address it and the notion of Brexit would have been a marginal issue after that.
  10. Regarding the stooges in the stadium, show we have expected otherwise ? I'd be surprised if something like this didn't happen.
  11. Firstly, if there is a chance the Brexit vote couldn't be enforced, why did they even have the referendum. The British government would be playing with fire if they did a u-turn at this point. I think the error the British government made was not having a higher threshold for the referendum ie. requiring a super majority of say 55% or 60%.
  12. Not sure why he would want that video deleted.
  13. If Lowy wanted Hakoah in, it would have happened. Then again, you could argue that Sydney FC are the "new" Hakoah. It's just semantics.
  14. F**k Melbourne Knights. Can't stand those f**kwits. Apologies in advance to my Croatian neighbour who is a decent person.
  15. I didn't know Olympic were in that situation. What about all the old teams from Sydney ? APIA, Marconi ? Are any of them in a strong position ? Regarding if the bid would be taken seriously, who can say. But if you were to give a franchise to an existing team, South would be the one.
  16. Great player. Really enjoyed watching him play for Bolton, who actually had a pretty decent side. Ivan Campo with his crazy hair and one of my favourite players to watch Jay Jay Okocha with his ridiculous skill.
  17. Regarding Kyriakos, what was he doing on the pitch ? He's played 26 minutes of competitive football this season. And you expect him to out class Dzeko and not make any mistakes ? If the depth in our team is so bad that we have to play him, then it's a bad reflection on our NT.
  18. Yes we will crush your country, but not just yet. Everyone is currently at the kafetaria playing tavli.
  19. What about teams from Sydney ? Anyone with a chance do you think ?
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