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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/07/2015 in all areas

  1. Let's enjoy him while he still plays!
    1 point
  2. Now I miss the thread we had for him on the other forum A true gavrofonias!!!
    1 point
  3. So Kosmas closed the site down because of Attilio's actions ... which were what exactly ?
    1 point
  4. How many times could smoke be detected before they actually find the fire??
    1 point
  5. Yperkoupwsh re file!!
    1 point
  6. From what I know Marinakis's name will be in the list. I am going to wait before I say "I told you so". This is Elladistan
    1 point
  7. I kind of agree with you Irlandos, the reason being I don't see an out from the current conditions that Greece is experiencing. So given the choice of 20+ years of this compared to going back to our own currency, I'd prefer our own currency. But to do this the greek people need to understand the full consequences of such a drastic move and I don't know if they're prepared for it. They seem to want to stay in the Euro but not have austerity. Currently, that position is illogical. The bigger problem is the political cost. The remaining EU countries will be very pissed that Greece found an "out" and will want pay-back in some form. We would have no support from them in the future with issues regarding Skopje or Turkey. The only viable option is Greece leaving the EU with the EU's "permission" but this is still a long way off. Maybe that is what Greece really wants ? It might explain why they keep dragging their feet.
    1 point
  8. Will be a great game and a good test for us, thankfully we only a healthy lead from the rest so really AEK needs 4 wins to be promoted, I cant see any other team winning 7-9 games of the playoffs... If we beat Iraklis then that 2nd spot gets opened up and will give other teams more hope....
    1 point
  9. Two of the best run teams in Greece right now. Both with a lot of young potential and both showed they can go toe to toe with Superleague teams. I think AEK has the edge even without Mandalo. I think its time to throw Cordero back into the mix and let him work his magic. I predict a 2-0 or 2-1
    1 point
  10. Well im still trying to figure out what has happened. Trying to figure it out , seems like a big soap opera Like someone else mentioned the Greek national team comes first for me , club team comes second. Anyway i dont want to be a complainer in my first post lol but how in the heck is the Greek NT topic way down at the bottom of the Soccer section, seriously now it should be the first one !!!!!!!! I understand we are in the gutter but lets not put them in the gutter here too lol
    1 point
  11. Welcome to all our newest members! This used to be a great forum where something was always happening. Then we lost a popular admin and a lot of people left, and we had a steady decline. This place has new life again, I'm actually finding myself having to adjust to it being this busy. It's been a while. Lazarus, Irlandos, myself, Genome, athinaios and a few others kept this place going through some lean times, and now, it looks like it's been worth it. Phantis is back! We're the best Greek sports forum on the internet again!
    1 point
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