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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/13/2017 in all areas

  1. @JimAdams If you wish to take the moral high road, you should carry yourself in a manner that exemplifies it, getting your message across in a way that shows that you not only talk the talk but can walk the walk. I don't get why you and @aek66 need to take the conversation to such a low and immature level as to bring up the size of peoples tools. This is a topic that deserves that you all treat it and each other with a minimum level of respect and decorum. If you all keep up the pettiness I will simply resort to deleting posts and dishing out warnings for being off topic or being offensive or whatever the specific case may be in a particular post. Please discuss your opinions without getting petty, personal and distasteful. I'm really getting tired of saying this, warnings will be dished out you guys need to learn to play nice or go on a time out.
    2 points
  2. a conversation worth its own topic... that was my problem with Star Trek's transporter... dissolving and reconstituting a person's atoms should be producing clones, not the real person. As for many Trumps... that would be great! Oh, how I'd wish that.... ..Trump would be the worst enemy of ..Trump. No 2 Trumps could exist in same room or even universe. It'd be total annihilation [like matter v. anti-matter]
    2 points
  3. Kyriakos Papadopoulos scored the opening goal for Hamburger SV in it's away match away to RB Leipzig which is currently 30 minutes into the German Bundedliga match with Hamburger SV leading 0-2.
    2 points
  4. Worth the 7 minutes to see this, Trump is dangerous...
    1 point
  5. @athinaios speaking of code words, "states' rights" (same as "Southern strategy") and "religious freedom" (to name a couple), have been used to rouse certain groups and to describe discrimination and the limiting of choice. Oh, what else?.... "welfare queen", "Sharia" "illegal alien", "un-American" (same as un-Australian), "moral majority" "restoring the moral fitness of America", etc. Dog Whistle Politics by Ian Lopez explains more.... Note to mods and others: It's my religion--and you must respect that--which commands me to criticize the evil doers & promoters of ignorance, bigotry, and ..Satan, while at the same time I claim immunity from criticism for my own religious views!(and as an individual choice, I choose to arm myself and shoot down flying UFOs)
    1 point
  6. http://www.jsonline.com/story/news/local/wisconsin/2017/02/07/trump-voters-await-economic-revival-rural-wisconsin/97585492/ This is a good article on the heartland Trump voters. Financially struggling, can't afford health insurance, jobs all pay $12 hour etc.. This will be a tough problem to fix and I don't know how anyone can fix this. Funny thing is that they don't care about immigration issues, they care about their pocketbook.
    1 point
  7. @Bananas@Hudson well said. People are angry at the establishment, but they share part of the responsibility. Even though there are plenty of reasons for people to be angry and agitated, I'm afraid that in the cases you mentioned, the people are being manipulated by demagogues to whip them into an agitated mob and steered into a direction that offers no solutions to their problems. It's like, let's burn down the house, because there are termites.. When someone is angry, agitated, scared, etc, but without good knowledge or training, they most likely make serious mistakes, rush to judgment, and can be easily manipulated. Practicing citizenship requires serious and responsible effort.
    1 point
  8. Another clean sheet for Lamprou away against Vitesse, the former club of Nikos Machlas.
    1 point
  9. I don't understand the hate with mentioning a 3 at the back formation when we actually have a team that is really suited to play this formation. If I were the coach, I would have played like this since Santos' last days. Someone mentioned Watford plays with 3 ATB. Who is their starting Wingback? Holebas. Last year Watford played with 4 ATB and he was nailed to the bench. Why? Because his defending skills are average at best. Same with Toro. I love the guy but he was always better going forward than defending. Both of them are decent tacklers but are bad at defending space and get lost marking players. Having an extra player at the back to mop up would be very useful to both of them. Stafylidis is also more of an attacking fullback too. The last game against Bosnia was one of the worst games I have ever watched the NT play. If Skibbe comes out with the same philosophy and formation as last game, he should be fired because Belgium will destroy us. We only have a chance if we play strong at the back and have clever counter attacks. Pretty much the way Wales beat them.
    1 point
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