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Starting Lineup


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I'll start with this topic..he he he

............................ Sorrentino ...............................

Cirillo ................... Pautasso ................ Alexopoulos ............. Moras

Lagos ................... Emerson ................... Ivic ...................... Julio Cezar

....................... Lyberopoulos .............. Kapetanios .............

Sorry I'm not getting the players in the right position since I'm not familiar with where they play. :whistle:

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This is what i think will be the starting line up hopefully, with some youngsters and other players to come on during the game:

........................................ Sorrentino .........................................

Pautasso .............. Cirillo ................ Dellas ............... Tziortziopoulos

........................................ Emerson .............................................

Lagos ......................................................................... Julio Cezar

........................................... Ivic .................................................

....................... Lyberopoulos ........ Kapetanos ..............................

Back up:

GK: Chiotis

Def: Moras, Alexopoulos, Georgeas, Papastathopoulos

Wing: Lakis

Midfield: Hetemaj, Tozser, Kiriakidis

Forward: Manduca, Kabantais

Main concern is that we need another attacking midfielder in my opinion. Ivic is alright, but not up to scratch in Europe. Also another striker would be good, imagine if there are two serious injuries, we will be very short on fire power. I will be interested to see what our line up against Hearts will be!!!

:tup: LONG LIVE AEK :tup:

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Pautasso Cirillo Dellas Lagos

Lakis Emerson Cezar


Lymberopulos Kapetanos

Lagos sould push up on the wings, overlap and join in on the attacks. He was very effective in doing so against Benfica. Ivic should play as attacking midfielder and Emerson defensive. Ivic will support the attack and supply Lymbe and Kapetanos with through balls. Lakis should also act like Lagos.


Goalkeeper: Chiotis

Defender: Moras, Alexopoulos, Georgeas, Papastathopoulos

Midfield: Hetmaj, Toser

Forward: Manduca

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....................................... Sorrentino .........................................

Pautasso .............. Cirillo ................ Dellas ............... Georgeas

........................................ Emerson .............................................

Lagos ......................................................................... Julio Cezar

........................................... Ivic .................................................

....................... Lyberopoulos ........ Kapetanos ..............................

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....................................... Sorrentino .........................................

Pautasso .............. Cirillo ................ Dellas ............... Georgeas

........................................ Emerson .............................................

Lagos ......................................................................... Julio Cezar

........................................... Ivic .................................................

....................... Lyberopoulos ........ Kapetanos ..............................

Why is Georgeas starting and not Tzirotzopoulos?
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Guest stosic

....................................... Sorrentino .........................................

Pautasso .............. Cirillo ................ Dellas ............... Georgeas

........................................ Emerson .............................................

Lagos ......................................................................... Julio Cezar

........................................... Ivic .................................................

....................... Lyberopoulos ........ Kapetanos ..............................

I agree

Georgeas will play on the LB

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....................................... Sorrentino .........................................

Pautasso .............. Cirillo ................ Dellas ............... Georgeas

........................................ Emerson .............................................

Lagos ......................................................................... Julio Cezar

........................................... Ivic .................................................

....................... Lyberopoulos ........ Kapetanos ..............................

I was absolutely correct.. :)
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