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Wisla - Pao

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so the only channels that are showing the game are supersport and TVP???? any1 know of any other channels???

Im pretty sure TVP is still on the TARBS dish.... for all those who have it.... but TV Polinia is different to TVP 1 ... which is showing the game... so i dunno...

if any1 has any links or any other channels private msg me :blink:

Why private message you??????????? just you to be the only one to watch the game??????? what about the rest of us??????

shame on you........... and you are a supporter of Panathinaikos.

I was never intended to post anything to this forum but i was so dissapointed when i saw such a post.


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i dont think thats what he meant diego. he just wanted to know as soon as possible...

also i agree we should not post links on our forums because then every random person can pick them up and then lag the connection up from the people we intended to share them with. one of our members finds them he shares with our community.

if i spent time digging up those links like Spiros does i would want to make sure that the people who get to see them would be fans of whatever greek team who are desperate to see their teams and not some random people in Asia or Europe who just want to watch a match. Supporters should be given 100% priority.

We are being pretty nice posting them so thousands of people can hit search and bring up these boards take the link that we found and contribute nothing. We were going to make a system where its more exclusive to members but it seems to have fallen through. We should make a system like in other forums where u have a

"hidden link" and you have to post a reply to see it.

welcome to the forums, im guessing you are a Depor fan....

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yea... TV Polonia is not showing it.... its TVP 1... grrrrrr

the link that spiro provided is good but u need to send an sms of some sort to access the program to watch TVP 1... :S

is any1 able to do this??? as i am in Australia and i dont think i will be recieving any sms from poland any time soon lol :(

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Just to clarify few things.

Today's game will be on Supersport 1 in Greece, TVP 1 in Poland and Alfa TV in Cyprus.

The return game in Greece will be on NET. Not sure if they will show it on ERT-Sat. It probably depends if some other company bought the rights outside of Greece.

As for soccer coverage by ERT-Sat in general, it is a guessing game right now. If nothing has changed from last season, we should be able to watch the home games of PAO, AEK, PAOK, and OFI on ERT-Sat. I am affraid we will not know for sure until the season starts.

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Alright mate..........i see your point and to be honest i agree with you! I am just so desperate to watch our favourite team smashing wisla..............!!!!!!!! and i overeacted a bit.

Thank you.....and keep up the good work

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dont get ahead of urself mate... i didnt mean it the way u took it...

im sure someone has some sort of link... but is afraid to post it becoz it ill clag up the link...

if someone was to post the link for every1 to see.... any tom dick and harry would be able to view it... thus PANATHINAIKOS supporters miss out!!!

its ur second post and ur acting like u run the joint ....

think before u type!! :tdown:

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