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Greece-Ukraine on line!

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oi tourkoi prepei na pane alvania kai oukrania kai na paixoun me dania mesa

tria diskola mats kai as einai adiaforoi oi alloi

emeis exoume mono to taxidi stin kopenxagi

min xanete elpida re paidia !!!!!!!!!!

forza elladara, sta diskola tha fanoume

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oi tourkoi prepei na pane alvania kai oukrania kai na paixoun me dania mesa

tria diskola mats kai as einai adiaforoi oi alloi

emeis exoume mono to taxidi stin kopenxagi

min xanete elpida re paidia !!!!!!!!!!

forza elladara, sta diskola tha fanoume

yes both both ukraine and albania dont need points anymore... ukraine is in and albania out... they wont give a skato about the game and turkey will win..

This game was make or break... with a lose we are gone... bye bye...

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Thanks to ukraine, they gave us one more chance! Now we hope to play very well against denmark despite the poor turkish coach and our albanian friends will give the game for free, that's for sure :):):)

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I hope the Ukrainian coach Blahin will not forget the good years he had in Greece and the way people greeted him today, and will try to beat the turks... There is still hope!

And now that Denmark has still hope for the second place, I dont think Turkey can beat them easily...

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Guest GreekSoussou

We will still come in 2nd.


Wins vs. all three teams

Denmark Georgia and Kazakstan


Wins vs. Albania

Ties vs. Denmark and Ukraine

Pame sto teliko

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Listen Bud, spiro helped you out. Im the one who he found out about COOLSTREAM. So in other words he contunue to help you guys out from my idea and searching. GREAT JOB SPIRO !. Anyways, I had about 280 people watching the game today and they were satisfied. I aint here to fight with Spiro or anybody on this forum, as for SPIRO just to show my sportmanship SPIRO will receive a free pass to all 3 games of greece. BRAZIL, JAPAN AND MEXICO. Spiro can see the quality I am running and the amount of work I am doing to get these games and let him tell you if www.some_site.com is worth it or not. I will have all 3 games showing live so who ever is tired of looking and looking and looking for links and wants to give up come to some_site to watch them. For all those fraustrated people everything will be done through me , that means you dont have to look for links and schedule and so on, that is all prepared by me and Bobby. All you have to do is come on over and watch the games. When you are done watching you can come back and enjoy your posting on Phantis.

Goodluck everybody and happy viewing.

Why would anyone pay to watch those games? They are on cable tv...

Telefutura, Galavision, and Univision... most all cable providers have those channels

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Can you get them ? If you can then good luck. Or should I say can you stream it to the rest of this forum to watch ? If you can, then that is FANTASTIC my above post.

Everyone gets them if you have a decent cable company.... Univision is like the basic spanish channel that comes with cable...
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what did you do for all the greeks who tried to watch the greece/turkey game and couldnt?? Your site had so many people calling you a fraud, how can we believe you now? I would gladly pay that fee to have watched the game today, but not when so many others are calling you a fraud... and you deleted that thread on your site rather than adressing the issue... a little fishy

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Sorry bud, what threat. I didnt see a threat. What threat can you give me. Im a very honest guy. To the people that paid and couldnt watch, I issued them a refund. If I provide a service and my customer is not happy . I would be more then happy to refund them. There is no hiding in that. Out of 200 people that came to the turkey game I beleive 18 people couldnt get to see. They were all issued a refund as of Monday June The 6th. Nobody in here or from any other website /forum should worry about there money. NOT SATISFIED / FULL REFUND. Alot of people might not like us in here with all the crap is going on but we are giving 100% effort to make it happen. This site (some_site) are running the stream to those that have difficulty finding or even getting to watch the games. We are just doing all the work to get you up and running and not have anybody waisting there time finding searching. That all we do.

I didnt say THREAT, I said THREAD... A thread is just a message on a forum... for example, when you post here now, you are posting in this specific THREAD

sorry for the confusion

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Anybody want to watch Brazil - Argentina  ?

Go to this link  Brazil Vs Argetina    mms://wabi.global.synccast.com/sauditv/tv2stream

I hope this fixes the gaps we might have in this forum.

It works, but flickers...Can't see the ball!

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