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well i dont really know what to think of togerle........he will probably fight with mantzios for that 4th place........i hope we dont use him unless hes really worth it and not just because we paid for him.........

Panos13 hes probably not bad but i hate to admit hes definitly not better than the Kota-dinou.........Kota has scored way more in a bigger league and in the champions league and has more caps too......Togerle couldnt even play for Crystal Palace, and Konstantinou would have taken the starting spot there with ease.....


It was very difficult to start in the Palace team last season. They often had Andy Johnson up front alone because that's the system that Iain Dowie, their manager, wanted to play. There were other good players at Palace that didn;t get much play time. I mean you look at Lakis. One could easily say that he is not so good because he couldn't even get into the Palace side regularly. But the fact is that Iain Dowie has a peculiar attitude towards foreign players and dosn't see them as useful in a relegation fight.

Anyway, think like this. Torghele didn't play many games right? what happened to Palace? They relegated :P maybe if he had played.......

I say Torghele is better than Mikhali because I have seen the latter and he is very strong, likes to get involved, is fast and can drible fast. Mikhali was often too lazy and really didn;t score as many goals as he should have for an expensive player in that position. If Torghele gets the same number of games as Mikhali, I am sure he will do better.

But we'll wait and see. I hope I am right.,

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Well Togerle missed a lot of games because if injury problems.

Besides Jhonsson is called by Eriksson to the National team of Engalnd and will be kept as part of the squad, indifferently to the fact that he is not going to be playing in the first category for this season at least.

If it was up to me I wouldn't sign an extra striker becuse I feel the team has many strikers already. Well at least the competition for a spot in the first 11 is going to be high. I hope it will turn out good...

As for Laki. In his possition there is a black English kid that is being called to the National team. Lakis had no hopes to start over him many times because that kid has already prooven more versatile. unlike Lakis he runs more, pressures the oppossition more, and defends better.

Lakis has a really good counter attack and he can occassionaly run very fast. But he won't keep a constant rythm throughout the game. Besides he has been bothered by many injury problems the past years and it seems that he hasn't recovered totally.

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Launch of the new players:

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3 things i noticed:

1: Sony and Hyundai new sponsors (will we see them on our jerseys?)

2: Numbers arnt like the old Panathinaikos numbering we had in past years these are like the Greek national team letters and numbers (could our new jersey be a green version of the NT jersey?)

3: Simitras, Conceciao, Seric, and Nilsson are wearing "floppers" who said they were gay again :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

1 more day till the new jersey is released :tup:

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Apparently Togerle's transfer seems to have some problems. There is a chance the transfer won't be completed after the player had some objections with the contract Pao is offering him. Nothing is final though. Everything could be solved in a few hours and the player might still sign.

I would hope hope that he wouldn't thought because we don't really need him as far as I am conserned in our striker roster. Damn!!! We are packed with them scorers already.

Why don't we offer the money to Della who is about to sign to Aek. Dellas could be of use, because the defenders are the ones that get banged up the most. Not the strikers...

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I know it's hot, and floppers might be in style (how frightening) but jesus, you're attending an event to introduce yourself as a new signing. What ever happened to pants a dress shirt and some decent SHOES ?

Seric looks like a ###### hobbit

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Guys, can anyone explain to me what happened with Sanmartean? I missed it. I just read that he's not even on the roster given to UEFA for the Wisla matches!

Melizani doesn't seem to count on him any more!

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I have mixed feelings about this (if what you say it's true).

I thought that this kid would finally produce for PAO, but he's the one who's given many chances, PAO has been very patient with him, and he hasn't done what he was supposed to do for us. If he's a primadona, he should go now.

Fylakouris told Melezani early on.... See this "paiktara"? M. said, "he looks very good player.." F:"yeah, enjoy him during practice because he doesn't play otherwise!"....

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Seric looks like a ###### hobbit


It's a shame to see talents like Sanmartean vanish bacause of bad attitude,he was so full of himself while he has produced nothing for us since his arrival. So much waisted talent...

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ok so we officially have Torgelle......

he sounds he could be promising but we still didnt solve the problem with Centerbacks!!

our CB are Gkoumas, Morris, Kotsios and Andric and Vyntra also plays....with Gkoumas injured and uninspiring performances from Andric and Vyntra and Kotsios i think we should have signed a new DC rather than Torgelle.....

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ok so we officially have Torgelle......

he sounds he could be promising but we still didnt solve the problem with Centerbacks!!

our CB are Gkoumas, Morris, Kotsios and Andric and Vyntra also plays....with Gkoumas injured and uninspiring performances from Andric and Vyntra and Kotsios i think we should have signed a new DC rather than Torgelle.....

Couldnt agree more with you....

our team looks good however im really concerned with the DC situation!!! we should have goten Tudor while we had the chance... this might come back and bite us in the arse when we get injuries (knock on wood) in the Dc department i.e Goumas who is injured now!!! :unsure:

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Torghelle Signed

Sandor Torghelle signed with Panathinaikos. The Hungarian striker successfully passed the medical examinations thus completing his loan move from Crystal Palace to the Athenian football club until the summer of 2006. The Athens side has the option to offer Torghelle a four-year contract in exchange of 850,000 euros to the British football club. Torghelle was born on May 2, 1982 in Budapest. He started his career as a footballer in Kispest-Honved and in 2003 he moved to the Hungarian reigning champion MTK Budapest.


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All these years if Lucian is not injured, he is sick. :o

When he plays, he does NOT run, if he marks, he gets injured. :blink:

When substituted for any of the above reasons, he complains :whistle:

My good memories of him are, a couple of good passes against weak league teams, a nice goal at Panionios, and a note worthy performance as a sub vs PSV

Please remind me, if I am missing anything, I would not want to be unfair... :P

He has been absent his whole tenure and no one will notice he is gone.

He wants to play and be the star, which he could do at a middle strength Greek club. Good luck to him, I hope he gets some points and return a new man/player.

I find this kind of ironic:

Manolis, Antonis, Kyrgiakos, Bassinas and Konstantinou all wanted to, and were supposed to be playing in Britain. Only Halkias? and our ex-manager Zajec are there.

PAO on the flip side, has been getting loads of players from the isle!

Biscan (Liverpool), Nilsson (Southampton), Torghelle (Crystal Palace) ;)


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All these years if Lucian is not injured, he is sick. :o

When he plays, he does NOT run, if he marks, he gets injured. :blink:

When substituted for any of the above reasons, he complains :whistle:

My good memories of him are, a couple of good passes against weak league teams, a nice goal at Panionios, and a note worthy performance as a sub vs PSV

Please remind me, if I am missing anything, I would not want to be unfair... :P

He has been absent his whole tenure and no one will notice he is gone.

He wants to play and be the star, which he could do at a middle strength Greek club. Good luck to him, I hope he gets some points and return a new man/player.

I find this kind of ironic:

Manolis, Antonis, Kyrgiakos, Bassinas and Konstantinou all wanted to, and were supposed to be playing in Britain. Only Halkias? and our ex-manager Zajec are there.

PAO on the flip side, has been getting loads of players from the isle!

Biscan (Liverpool), Nilsson (Southampton), Torghelle (Crystal Palace) ;)


exactly.......loulou was talented but he wouldnt run or mark.....and when he doesnt he complains? another promising talent lost to poor attitude and work ethic......kind of embarassing how some romanians were comparing him to Hagi and Platini....... :unsure:
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We are down 3-1 on the first half.

In the second half we will have homecourt advantage and Goumas will play.

In time like this I just hope Samartean wouldn't be such an a**hole. If we had either him or Gonzales up front we would have scored more goals already.

Look everybody who saw the game wasn't impressed by Wisla. The goals they scored were simply mistakes of a new team. In the second leg if Pao supporters go to see the game and the stadium feels up the team will preform much better.

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