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Scandals are hitting the Premiership one after the other:

Allegations that 7 footballers -among them Newcastle's Kieron Dyer - attacked and raped a 17-year old girl.

A sex-attack by a footballer in Leeds.

Rio Ferdinand in trouble again (this time with drugs) and being thrown out of the England squad.

Two questions to ask:

What next?

When will it stop?

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I was just watching the report by ET1 and their reporter Lambis Tsirigotakis who discussed with a Well known Brit Journalist (whose name I cant recall but was quite fat, and of Asian Descent... )

This man, who writtes the sports section of a daily paper inthe UK, said something very reasonable.

He accused the clubs of exagerating at the recruitement of young boys from early ages for their accademies but fail to provide them education and discipline ...

I will accept this as one of ther easons, because for me Familly is the mair reason, but it is a sign of the footballing times... You can build a great player yet you have to distance him from his familly to do so, and when you do, you fail to supplement some of the familly guidance!

So professionalism goes way beyond the expensive contracts we whitness. And what about the hudreds of oung lads who invest in the chance of footballing stardom yet they never get there! ...

I think we, globally, are going backwards inthe way we handle sport! Sport is advancing only in the good looks of the final product while a huge social problem is sustaining it underneeth!

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How did you manage to think all that.....

Take you, for example...... You have no family values, you are a hanoumissa fanatic and yet you are a disasterous baketball player!!! :P :P

So tell me, what good do you have to offer to the community and sports you lazy, kaloperasakia ba/%&$/%&rd..... :P :P :D

See you in Athens for the rest of the :box: :box: :box:

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