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Away Fans :: Your view

Original Melbourne 21

Do you agree on the agreement?  

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PAE AEK and PAE OSFP have agreed to have no away fans at the two derbies this year. Which means 65 thou AEKtzides at OAKA and 35 thou gays at Kareskaki.

I TOTALLY DISAGREE WITH THIS. I have waited years to get our boys back in the e3edra at Kareskaki and now this has happened. Part of the derby is the away fans. The wild scenes as Lakis or Katsouranis nailed those late goals are awesome......and now they are gone.

I wonder how the gays-sexy vazeles handle it as well.

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YOu all must be on crack..... Why can't you all see where they're coming from. You and I know that during those games there's definite chair breaking, fotovolides throwing, having having dumb-asses that attend those games. We need to have our derby matches cleaned up. I agree with what they did and this is a great step for Greek Soccer. We can't keep taking 1 step forward and 2 steps back.

If people have issues with this is because they are afraid their team(s) will not perform well without their fans... I say let the team talk, and have them play ball on the field

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I agree, away fans should not be allowed, thats why they are called away games. Plus the fans are idiots why trash the new stadiums after the tax payers spent billions. So a bunch of welfare crack heads can have the excuse to burn a stadium down. This was the best decision and I hope other teams follow, I bet you'll see fan attendances in the derby games triple. Whats the point of having two opposing fans in a stadium when the police have to shut half the sections down and there is less than 30,000 fans in the stadium. Ban away fans and you'll have a sell out.

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would like to see away fans at derbies which makes the atmosphere all more electric and is why it's a derby half the time.

but on other hand can understand why they would take decision with new stadium maybe wanting to see how fans will react or behave without away fans or at other games before they allow away fans at the big derbies.

and it would be better to also see full stadium then half full with police guarding half of exedra so people dont casue trouble etc.

hopefully in a yr or 2 we get to see away fans at derbies but with ground being full and not having 1000's of empty seats for protection a big waste of money and clubs like aek need all cash they can get. its a loss situation u loss 10000's of potential revenue from tickets and u pay another figure like that on fines repais etc.

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