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More soccer for US residents...

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Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation has filed trademark

applications 78444142 and 78485747 with the

United States Patent and Trademark Office to

register the names "FOX Soccer Channel"

and "The Soccer Channel".

Multiple sources indicate that FOX is planning to

convert FOX Sports World (US) into an all-soccer channel

sometime in the first quarter of 2005.

Does that mean a new war between ESPN and FOX is starting for soccer rights in USA? I sure hope so... FOX WORLD will be showing only soccer ALL day like GOALTV does now! ESPN can stay aside with baseball games and fishing...

News is coming soon... I'll keep you updated.

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So basically they will drop all the rugby games from FSW and show only soccer games. Good move.

The other questing is, if they are going to drop all the "Paid Programming", which they show during late night night and early morning? I would rather see them show more tape delayed games such as UEFA Cup and drop those paid commecials.

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