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NO. Russia does not suck they are very dangerous. When they get on they are lethal- they arent like our last two games where we knew what to expect because both teams are similar.

Russia will be a very interesting ggame.


with quotes as the russions suck you're ready to fly back to Athens after the first round

NEVER underestimate a team in the final phase of a big tournament

(the Russians are especially dangeorus since they are eliminated because can play liberated. They still will be motivated for sure and want to let the world see they can play football in Russia too)

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Basinas for Fyssas? LOL.

What 'BIG MISTAKES' are you talking about ? Please list them

Great game yesterday, although the defense didn't perform quite as well as it did against portugal it still held up damned well for the most part of the match.

Kudos to all of them for continuing writing Hellenic Football history !

I didnt say Basinas for Fyssas, I sad Basinas for Vryzas. It is a typo. Here are the list of mistakes...

1. Keeping Vryzas in for too long while he was clearly very tired (much more than Fyssas)

2. Bringing Venetidis in to replace Fyssas. He should have replaced Vryzas

3. Finally Venetidis was not the best solution at that time we needed and experience player like Basinas....

But just because we didnt loose you people dont see anything wrong with Rehaggel's tactics... But I am pretty sure that when we loose for the first time many of you will be the first to critisise Rehaggel. But you have to know that we dont just critisise when our team looses and cheer when we win but you can do the opposite...

I think Rehaggel is a great coach, the best ever to the Greek time, but the draw on the Spain game was clearly pure Luck. He did not do anything to protect the team from loosing. And you know why? Because he was going for the win!!! That is why he left Vryzas in and he was playing with 3 attackers and Tsiartas!!! But he should have seen that the Spaniards were pressing quite hard and our team was very tired and we needed someone fresh who could mark and keep the ball a bit. And that guy is certently NOT Venetidis!!!!

See now this is what annoys me. According to you the guy made a million mistakes , then how the hell did we get the result. How can you keep pointing out mistakes after we beat portugal and tie spain. Is there any doubt in your mind that this would be going on without this coach. If he would have taken out Vryzas then there whole team would have come forward and then good luck stopping them. Fyssas was dead tired after covering the left side byhimself and needed venetidis who can play the left side to come on. Not Basinas. None of these things you listed are mistakes my friend, just other ways to look at the situation. Lets leave the coaching to the guy thats responsible for us doing all this and stop criticizing him.
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See now this is what annoys me. According to you the guy made a million mistakes , then how the hell did we get the result.

If he would have taken out Vryzas then there whole team would have come forward and then good luck stopping them. Fyssas was dead tired after covering the left side byhimself and needed venetidis who can play the left side to come on. Not Basinas. None of these things you listed are mistakes my friend, just other ways to look at the situation.

Lets leave the coaching to the guy thats responsible for us doing all this and stop criticizing him.

Very well said.
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Unlike many people in here, I am the kind of guy who don't just critisise when my team loses but also when we win. If mistakes are done then it doesnt matter if you got the result or not. I am sure that if we conceided a goal in the last minute you would have been the first people to critisise rehaggel for not being able to keep the score...

On the other hand I may accept things even if we lose. For example yesturday's match dont tell me that bringing in Venetidis wasn't a bad move... I would have said the same even if we had won the game... ;) Apart from that Rehaggel's choices were almost perfect in that game...

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