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The Season That Was......


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Everyone has been very critical of this last season. Sure, it wasn't great, and there were no trophies at the end of it, but was it really that bad?

Champions League: Only 2 points, bottom of our group. Total Failure? I dont think so in the contex of it all. People must remember that in our group we had Monacco(Champions League Finalists), Deportivo(Champions League Semi Finalists) and PSV who are no push overs by any stretch of the imagination. Also, one must not forget that at the time of the group stage, these 3 teams were at the top of there leagues in France, Spain and Holland respectively. I also think peoples aims were to high after the previous campaign in Europe, and before we can progress to the next stage, we must first win a game!!!!!

The National League: This was probably the most disapointing aspect of the season, coming 4th behind PAOK. But, with all our finacial problems, crowd violence and injuries,what more could you expect of the players?? A bit of passion mabye, but with no wages for months, i can see there point of view. Once again, we performed OK against the big clubs, but dropped points to lesser clubs, and this cost us in the end, like it cost us the championship the year before. If we had picked up the points where we should have, the season could have been totally different. I am willing to admit the League was in part a failure, but i beleive one year in the UEFA Cup will do us good, and will be part of our rebuilding phase under Demis.

Greek Cup: I beleive this was a reasonable effort. We were struggling for form at the time,and to make it to the Semi was a good result i beleive. Just think if Olisadebe hadnt scored that injury time goal in the first leg we would have gone through on away goals. Another what if, but still, it wasnt really that bad, was it?????

Im not happy with the season that went, but i dont think it was as bad as everyone made it out to be. Where still playing in Europe next year, and with the Demis take over should have our First Flight status assured. After all, all everyone wants to do is see AEK doing well, which will hopefully happen next season.

Im interest to hear what everyone else thinks, so please comment on the above,and tell me what you think.

:tup: LONG LIVE AEK :tup:

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it was really bad considering that Aek were the favourites to win this years league and mayb cup... I belive you guys had the best Greek Squad and yet u guys have crashed and hopefully dnt burn ( 4 division)..... so yes it was one of the worst seasons for aek in its history in my point... and about europe dnt b so confident coz i still belive u might have to give it up (which i hope not).... Next year will b a new Era for Aek but all you Aek fans must not expect to much cause u will lose alot of good players such as Lakis and so on... this will take atleast 3-5 years b4 u can wina anything

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I belive you guys had the best Greek Squad and it was one of the worst seasons for AEK in its history in my point...

totally agree withu, man! by far AEK had the most competent squad, or at least it seemed like that!

but of course, no AEKtzide expected Okkas, Amponsai and Hiotys to perform so so badly...

anyway, it was a disappointing year for AEK, but it seems that next year they will come back on track as Demis takes over!


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but of course, no AEKtzide expected Okkas, Amponsai and Hiotys to perform so so badly...

Are you kiding man......

I knew of what wood is Hiotis made after I saw him in 2 games against Inter....... and I had to dispute here with all the AEK fans.....because some of them saw him already in the NT.....

Yet we kept him ....and he has eaten one ridiculous Goal after the other.....

* * * * * * * * *

Back to the topic.....

If Demis takes AEK over........ THIS WILL BE THE BEST YEAR SINCE around 10 years.....

and soon all the other fans will envie us .......and would like to imitate us.....how our club is led....

THEY WILL BE UNDER THE BROADSWORD OF "KOTZABASIDES"....... , and how they are led reminds me to Europe during the feudal times.........

While other teams will have feudal structures......., "the people of AEK"...will reign over AEK......

And I said and I m saying this since many times......... the Greek society is changing....and you see this fact..., what is happening at AEK......

The feudal structures are still in the heads of the inland Greeks..., without that they are aware of it....... and that s way they expect all the wellfare for their clubs from "Princes and Dukes"........

But due to EU help........, the mass tourism, which started with the beginning of the 70ies........, the free and competitive spirit of the Greeks......, the efforts of the moderate political parties to be in good co-operation with Turkey....... and the death of communism, which surounded Greece [as we had in the front side communism and in the back we were in bad neighbourship with the Turks due to our different religious beliefs], .........brings Greece in a positive econimic situation.....wellfare came...and will still grow.....this will make many people financial stronger........ and this group of the middle class will take more responsability for themselves, for their society and for their country...... stopping the "Plutocrats" and some shady elements....to serve themselves...as they like...

And AEK is in the lead of this new Area..... , but first Demis has to take AEK legally over....and then ALL the AEKtzides have to take their responsabilities helping the club...(not the junky PAE).... as good as their finances allows them.


(Soon I will also write about the past saison B) )

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WAY WAY TOO POSITIVE.....The CL was a disgusting effort to lose to PSV at home was fatal. We lost WAY too many points in the league and well should have won the Cup leading PAO 1-2 away first leg in the 90th.

I dont want to go into detail because frankly its dissapointing. But the light is at the end of the tunnel, wheN I look backI say it was a great year for two reasons:

1- We pissed off the batraxo

2- We pissed off the clowns running our club

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Score tis 9.06.04

"Vgalte tin AEK apo ton Mesoeona..........."

Malon diavasoune ta post mou....giath tetia pragmata mono ego grafo..... :) (diavaste ligo pio apano..)

E totes........ Gentlemen, xriasoumaste enan kalo Termatofilaka...... afto ine to megalitero texniko provlima mas.....

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