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2023-2024 Season


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I think it deserves to be noted that this season has been very exciting so far for the Panatha fans.

I was surprised, to be honest, that PAO would or could pass Marseille and have several great Euro games. Today, they beat Villareal--a powerhouse in Spain and Europe. They won the Europa league 2 years ago, and, ok, they're not the same calibre team, but still they are a great team. Last week they scored 3 against Barca. Today they had 1 great chance to score but PAO stopped them while scoring 2 superb goals by Fotara and Sporar. The bottom line is that I see Greek teams actually being competitive agains much bigger clubs.  For example, PAO has a budget of $24 mil. and Marseille $240... ten timex bigger.

Anyway, let's hope Panatha has a good Euro performance and wins some silverware in Greece.

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  • 4 months later...

First round, first place again. 2024 a new coach and several new faces.  The top 4 teams will duke it out in the playoffs it seems. But PAO now has a much better roster than last year. I think up to Jan before the new additions, PAO over-achieved given its budget and players.

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PAO is starting to look like a regular football club....I don't agree with the change in manager but apparently the behind-the -scene wheeling and dealing is what made the player additions possible. Too bad that Jovanovic had to be sacrificed.

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