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AEK - Olympiakos


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As I said yesterday last time e played in the final it all went well, there was no massive dramas inside the stadium.


I know the 2 owners have changed the face of the league with their power trips and there is more hatred between both clubs, but its still no excuse to not have fans at a final which would surely fill OAKA.


Lets see what this final has to offer, just hope there are no p*****es and the game can be played fairly and be one we can remember like the last final.

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Reaper first of all Grexit was never going to happen, was all a ploy to clear out EPO which is something needed and had to be done, so those saying Meli backed this and that or this guy didn't say that is all a bunch of bullshit because these decisions would've been made regardless of what one guy says.


As for the crowd, I didn't hear Meli say he did or didn't want a crowd there so lets not assume and say things like "if he said it that would've put pressure on Kontonis" even if Meli said he wanted the crowd do you think Kontonis would've allowed a crowd? The guy has done kolotouba after kolotouba, said we would have a foreign ref and that hasn't happened, said there would be students, that hasn't happened. So as I said regardless of what Meli could've or should've said, Kontonis would've done what he wanted just like he did with the promises he had when the kypello was re-started


We need to move on from this president didn't say this and that president said that, its become a farce and a circus, who cares what one president did or didn't say, I care about my team and what they do on the pitch, off it doesn't bother me if Meli didn't back this guy or Meli said this to that guy.....

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Did 7 of them not stand down last I read?

You say Meli never said he wanted a crowd there but I didn't hear Marinakis come out and say he wanted a crowd there either.

Let it go dude seriously these 2 guys are taking all the attention off football. Who cares what one guy says and what another doesn't say.

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After everything that went down today, Melissanidis better follow through on his threat of not showing up unless the assistant refs are changed to Sidiropoulos' normal assistants for European games... If he doesn't follow through and we play the game with the current refs then he's dead to me and an even bigger gataki than I thought.

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Unfortunately, I agree with you Greekfreak. I use to set my alarm for 2, 3am in the morning to watch, if I was lucky enough to get a stream. It makes me angry so I don't think I'll watch any more, maybe I'll pick a team to follow properly in the EPL.

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The final cant be played on the 15th EPO are a bunch of dropkicks, it has been stopped for 10 days so how the hell can they schedule it 8 days later?


Reaper seriously dude Meli is not the one that will allow the final to be played move on from the "meli said this or meli wont let this happen" or "savvidis is stopping this" its become a circus, they have an opinion yes but they DO NOT have the authority to allow the game to be played.


Instead of bagging Meli and co why not bag EPO who have gone against what was agreed? Is that normal in your eyes is it? Hardly ever hear you say anything about EPO and their antics but when it comes to Meli you are full of theories.....

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Reaper these assist refs appointed were recently seen sitting in a suite in the Karaiskaki watching an Oly game, do you not see that as an issue? Is that normal in your eyes is it? F*** imagine Meli had refs in a suite at OAKA Oly fans would be losing their s%$#! but when Oly does it its ok for that to happen.....


But you still worry about Meli and what he said and didn't say and overlook the real issues at hand.

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Reaper can you show me where it wasn't agreed to have Sidiropoulos assistants as everything I have read says they were to be assigned.

As for the rumour about Meli meeting Kontonis it came from Karapapara, who the F*** is he to come out and say that? Why doesn't he come out and say all the times Marinakis would speak with Sarris and have things arranged for his benefit? Seems they over look their own halia and try bury others.


You say Meli, Ala and Savvidis are enablers, isn't Marinakis that also or don't these things apply to him? Every owner is as bad as each other.


Good to see you admit Olympiakos has set back Greek Football

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Well it doesn't say it was confirmed or not confirmed but it does say it will possibly be his usual assistants, if you look at the refs history and every game he has done you will see the same 2 guys beside him everytime, I don't think it blows anything out of the water for Kontonis.

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Again this is a media report so really we all have no idea what has been said behind closed doors. In all honesty though this is becoming so tiring everyday a new story or new issue, all we want is to have the final and playoffs and end this horror season of Greek Football.


I agree with you on playing the game elsewhere though that would've been a much better idea, bring it to Australia EPO we would love to host it lol

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