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I didn't think this was possible. Losing 0-2 at home, then going down 1-0 early in this game...

It won't be easy playing PAOK but this was a needed win for our club, in a season that we don't have much to show for...

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First off , the game was ok. Not Great. Goalie for Pao was awful , third division quality,does not know where to position himself. As for the referee he does not even belong at the amature level he had no control of the game . Vintra should have been red carded in first half. He played like he was mentally disturbed.As for the 8 min added it was unnecessary, but what do expect from clowns in stripes.I have seen Pao 3 times this year in there stadium and have not had any consistancy. Cisse is beginning to look like a stallion running sprints,did you see when he was out of breath, this was caused by stupidity from up above.

Ninis plays 5mins and disappears for the rest of the game. There are no leaders at deffence to bring the ball up the field. I could go on but it will only get me more disappointed. Fernandez would not have misplayed that ball. We have always ruinned goalies and we will continue. Greek soccer will not improve with leadership and a league full of farse.


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