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Everything posted by Ellada2004

  1. He should be there with the team in Bosnia just waiting for final green light from FIFA which should come tomorrow.
  2. Will be really tough for Cyprus. They always seem to draw them.
  3. I can see him going with something like that. I think they will stick to a tight defensive game plan and just smother Dzeko and wait for an opportunity to attack and that's where Donis will give them problems. A draw would be great for us and a win is possible too especially with Sokratis in the back to shut them down. I was happy with Masouras effort yesterday and he created a lot of chances, he just needed to hit the target on a couple of shots. As I said just no Bakasetas in the lineup and on the pitch at any time please.
  4. Mitroglou could be better, but he has hit the back of the net more than any one we have. If he doesn’t pick it up when he comes back then I’m all for starting Donis or koulouris. As for Bakasetas he better not be in the line up and I think the coach will keep him on the bench after his performance today.
  5. Ireland barely got a win vs Gibraltar. Scotland got torched at Kazakstan 3-0.
  6. Mitroglou is the only proven goal scorer on the NT with 17 goals in 65 appearances. His production has slowed down but look at the midfielders that have been tasked to give him the ball the last few years. Back when Karagounis and Kats were playing he was firing in the goals. He was huge for us vs Romania and a big reason Greece made the 2014 WCUP. Hopefully he will get it going during this campaign and hope he will be good to play in June.
  7. Bravo ELLAS! The English are overrated at every Level!
  8. Just heard on Novasport that Mitroglou is out for the match at Bosnia.
  9. I cant see Sokratis missing a huge game vs Bosnia. I think had we played Bosnia or Italy today he would have been in the lineup.
  10. Bakasetas ruined so many attacks. He cant control the ball, cant hit the target, and couldn't make a simple pass. I cant understand why he gets in the lineup, he is the new Tziolis.
  11. Greece dominated this game well done. Siovas was great love this guy. Fortounis is a player with offensive class. Donis comes in and scores a stunning goal, Masouras delivered a nice ball to him and he had chances to get a goal himself. Lichenstein are the Canada of the group and when they come back to Greece we have to put 5 goals on the board.
  12. Dominant performance today, going forward we looked more organized and not disjointed with no plan as we saw under Skibbe. Score should have been 4 nil
  13. The ball movement has been very good.were unlucky not to have 4 or 5 goals
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