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Everything posted by pash

  1. The thing about the AM role, is that both seem to prefer Mistakidis as a sub (and usually then on the wings). If Pelkas is not "on," then we have a problem. A player that is at least Pereyra's level would have been wonderful this season.
  2. https://www.milanlive.it/2016/06/01/calciomercato-milan-verdi-carpi-paok/ <-- Verdi apparently also has offers in Italy. I would be surprised if he'd choose Greece over even Serie B http://www.pianetamilan.it/calciomercato/calciomercato-sirene-greche-per-verdi-ecco-chi-lo-vuole/ <-- also about Verdi, these guys seem to think we are somewhat likely to sign him. Seems Carpi has the right of first refusal on him, however.
  3. I was checking out their website earlier - looks nice. http://disq.us/9sdylp <-- per inPAOK, friendly vs Twente. Looks like they got relegated this year due to financial issues (perhaps our Dutch friend can elaborate?). The game will take place the day after the CL draw.
  4. Pfft. I'm surprised you even had the attention span to read that far (I'm impressed). Did you have someone help you? Kitsiou is the man. We aren't going to spend tens of millions on fullbacks. In fact, I'd be surprised if there's any major investment this summer at all - at most, we'll get a vague promise of a spree if we make the group stages (which we most likely won't).
  5. Ivic says he wants to keep as much of the core together as possible. Vitor has proven himself there, and is willing to stay. Why rock the boat? I don't think it makes sense for the club to spend an ungodly amount of money on the off chance that they'd be able to force their way into the CL this season. It just seems unrealistic. I think we need to lay down some groundwork, and have reasonable goals for this year. As far as goalkeepers - I don't think we need more at this point. Glykos and Vellidis are both capable of being starters. Why would we buy yet another GK? PAOK has only so much cash, why spread it thinner than we need to? We have Leovac and apparently now Matos as LB, with Tzavellas as a logical #2 or #3 in that role - and Korovesis can work on that side as well. For RBs, we have Kitsiou and Skondras, with Konstantinidis possibly able to play two or three more matches before being permanently hospitalized. We're fine there too. CBs, we need work in. Chatziisaias has a lot of potential, but he's still raw. Tzavellas had a good season, but you never know which version of him is going to show up. Vitor is solid, but he's not a star. Malezas is decent, but also not a star. Assuming we keep all four of these guys, some cash should be spent on getting someone who's REALLY GOOD if we want to have any chance of improving. In the midfield, we have some dead weight we need to cut. Antonis, Golasa, Sabo, are not good enough. Tziolis is a drag on us more often than not, but I guess we just have to deal with him never leaving. Shakhov seems to me to be another Golasa, I don't think he's the answer to what we're looking for (a Kace replacement, assuming we sell). Charisis is gold, though, and I feel will end up a big improvement over Kace. Mistakidis and Pelkas are going to end up competing for that attacking midfielder position, but I feel that this is the #1 spot that we need to spend cash on to make an impact. For wingers...assuming we can keep Mak, I think we need at least one more pure winger of at least his level of quality. Jairo is not it (he's made of glass). Rodrigues, I think, will have a breakout year next season...but we will need someone at least as good for our inevitable injuries/fatigue issues/suspensions. Korovesis is all right, but not starter quality. Pozoglou desperately needs to be loaned out - TO A FOREIGN CLUB, PLEASE. For CF...I love Klaus, but I can't remember the last time he had a consistently good season. Do I need to say more? Koulouris probably should get loaned out as well. Depending on how the TD feels about Koulouris + having Klaus as #1, we might need some significant reinforcement here.
  6. I have no problem with us signing Vitor again. I'm a fan! For once, we might actually have options at CB.
  7. PAOK apparently interested in Simone Verdi (ACM/LW, Milan - loaned to Capri last season). Very doubtful.
  8. He was chosen by his coworkers, not much you can do about that. He was probably our best defender, however.
  9. Howled down? I think you're confusing our tone for your own, Officer Red.
  10. Tzavellas voted "player's player of the year". Charisis wins best young player, closely followed by Mistakidis (who also came in third for player of the year overall, after Tzavellas and Mak). Cimirot wins goal of the year.
  11. That's it exactly. Most of all, I just want some damn stability. If he can get the players to gel and play to their potential - at least at the level they were at during these playoffs - we'll be much more competitive. He noted during his last press conference that his goal is to keep the turnover to a minimum. Let's see if this happens.
  12. I hope to Dodonis that you wrote something like that before the Faroes games.
  13. So we should get ready to sink to a new low, then
  14. We spend too much time failing to rehab players. Plus, we have an atrocious injury record. Gotta pass on this one personally (as much as I do like him)
  15. Here's a couple of questions I can pose to myself when comparing Ivic to our last two coaches: Does he play a reasonable formation? Does he put players in their natural roles? Do the players like him? Has he gotten results? We can hire Mourinho *after* we start regularly making the quarter finals of the CL. For now, Ivic ticks enough boxes for me.
  16. Ivic just now introduced as the new head coach for next season:
  17. I have no problem with that. It was pretty much destined, once Garcia was named coach of the K20s.
  18. Oh I agree. I don't know the actual rules though (assuming there are rules and not just random selectively enforced bullshit).
  19. Did fans jump the fences just now? Are we going to now face some more fines and point deductions? -edit- YUP
  20. Oh my God if Steele scored just now I would have jumped off of a cliff
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