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Everything posted by pash

  1. G'day mate!!! Throw another schnitzel on the barbie
  2. Obviously he'd come here and then HUGELY underperform, as is custom.
  3. Seems Thomas will be out for a few weeks. Since Koutsias was loaned, Gordeziani looks like he'll be called up to the senior team. I think that's a fantastic move, kid's a stud.
  4. Have 'im run like a dog and then let him take a breather! I remember Henrique saying that Lucescu's instruction to him in that cup final where he scored the winning goal was very simple: RUN, RUN, RUN
  5. According to transfemarkt, this club's market value is about equal to Zivkovic and Oliveira combined. There are no players there we couldn't afford to buy in a more... hostile way
  6. Hmm...what's the point here? Is this like when city officials go on junkets to "sister cities," which is just an excuse to give them booze and bribes?
  7. I took German in college specifically so I could understand a few lyrics here and there haha
  8. Well, yeah, he got called up because of Tzavellas not being available. I still think if there was any doubt as to how this group would end, that he'd be kept at arms' length from the team. However, this is now a great time for experimentation, etc etc
  9. Hot take: the only reason he got called up is because we are already guaranteed to win the group and make it to the play offs for Euro 2024 participation. No risk in doing random things with our lineups.
  10. You're changing the subject. What does that have to do with his decision to buy Sastre? Would you not have bought him (for the pittance he cost us) based on what you saw last season? Is everyone really ready to write him off three or four weeks into this season? Wild stuff.
  11. Beautiful run by Lyratzis a minute ago. Oliveira very close with the header
  12. Tzavellas had a hissy fit at halftime vs Panaitolikos, apparently punched a window or something, and had to be rushed to the hospital to stop the bleeding. 4-6 weeks out. Hahahahaha the alpha male strikes again
  13. He's a fraudster because he bought a player that looked good playing for us?
  14. It would be even more appropriate to team up with North Korea and Russia to launch a bid.
  15. Haha Greece is planning to a three-way bid for the 2030 WC with....Saudi Arabia and Egypt?!? Christ...
  16. Wow Stoch has found a job with a 3rd division team...that's a shame. FATHER TIME CATCHES UP TO US ALL
  17. Who among us doesn't lie awake at night pondering our mortality???
  18. I'm fine with being done. Play Soares dammit
  19. The rumor is that Filipe Martins is on their radar now. However, he's a left winger...not sure why they are so dead set against an actual #10
  20. Looks like no concussion, though he'll spend the night in the hospital. He might miss few-to-no games, depending on what the team decides.
  21. It was astounding. The crowd, less so. I do wonder how many went - there were many, many seats in the stands empty...but the general admission area was decently full. Wiki says 35k but who knows if that's right.
  22. Kotarski surely is concussed, right? Nasty end to the game. Fantastic kick by Schwab, keep him as goalie! Dantas was MotM. I thought he looked good. Pay up, Ivan!
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