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Everything posted by pash

  1. Just turned on the game, 17 minutes late, already winning 2-0 and El Kaddouri in tears? So action packed
  2. Started watching today's U21 game vs Belarus. Tzolis for some reason is playing in this game. Scored the 1-0 (game is currently (1-1 in the 53rd; Belarus just scored)
  3. I also missed Dutch Eagle's mention that Tsaousis got a few minutes too - I don't have much faith that he'll play again this season, but MAYBE Lucescu gives him another chance this summer...
  4. Great play by Brandonjic about 3 minutes in, which Thomas overshoots. From what I read a few weeks ago, he has been doing very well in the B team. Wouldn't shock me if we call him back up. Also glad to see Gordeziani score. Looked unstoppable that preseason before he broke his arm.
  5. Game's in about an hour. I did see it was behind closed doors, which I'm guessing also means no TV? A shame... -edit- lineups
  6. Tzimas scored twice vs Estonia. You can see them at 20 minutes (29 min in the vid) and 25th (34) in the below video. Second was a PK.
  7. Those Romanians just can't leave Razvan alone, huh?
  8. lmao what an end to that game Kargas wanted to start a riot for sure. Shows great tactical finesse!
  9. He is absolutely a good fit for his style, and is a decent if unexceptional player. That's the problem. He's not good enough to build a team around, and frankly he should have been scoring many more goals than he's managed. If you want to build a team that will be competitive in all three competitions, then you simply *need* someone better. Also: even if instead we replace Thomas with a much, much better player (which we also should) - Lucescu will gravitate to Oliveira as backup over Tzimas, which feels like such a waste. Coaches shouldn't be allowed to hold on to their teddy bears forever.
  10. Seeing on social media that Oliveira is in talks with the team to extend his contact. I do not think he is the solution...
  11. Last summer, something could have been worked out. This winter, no. A full season is a long time to wait for someone his age.
  12. I don't really have a problem with him being out; I'm just annoyed we didn't get some compensation to send him on his way when he wanted to leave just a few months earlier!
  13. Probably just to get checked out by their doctors up close. I don't understand what his injury even is - when's the last time he was able to play? Like October? This is a VERY long time to be out.
  14. Dantas and El Kaddouri coming on for Schwab and Narey. Olympiakos winning by 3 goals, but now down to 10 men. PAO up by one goal.
  15. Wow that was close. Good job by Kotarski not drawing a stupid penalty. But holy s%$#! that was dumb
  16. Taison and Oliveira in for Konstantelias and Thomas
  17. God damn daylight savings...realized what time it really was about 35 minutes too late. Still, nice to see we're up a goal. Is there any home fan presence at all??
  18. Any word on that game potentially being played in London??!
  19. Did the money get paid? I forgot all about this.
  20. Yeah Nova doesn't seem to post most of these to their YouTube. I started going to their site directly; almost everything on YouTube is nonsense
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