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Everything posted by pash

  1. Matos with the first yellow of the game. -edit- finally a PAO player gets a yellow as well - Hult
  2. Haha Glykos with a bizarre save, interesting moment between him and the goalline official
  3. Matos just passed the ball backwards to Glykos by doing a backwards header. I was certain it would be an OG
  4. Klonaridis clearly not even touched, immediately grabs his face and falls
  5. Berg is the king of flopping. "Hey dude, I'm all alone over here but please give me a penalty"
  6. Toumba is absolutely bumpin, this must be nearly sold out. Also, as for Pelkas - this is exactly what we were complaining about after our last loss against AEK - we need some players in there who know what derbies mean. Now we've got one.
  7. Expect Pelkas and Warda to exchange positions constantly. You'll see a lot of movement with this lineup, which is doubtlessly what Ivic is going for. Now to see if Crespo/Varela can stop Berg.
  8. Good lineup. Confirmed that Canas doesn't get the start. Ivic is going for the attack again.
  9. AEK's only red card was for their GK, Anestis.
  10. Here are our nineteen players: Γλύκος, Σιαμπάνης, Λέοβατς, Μάτος, Κίτσιου, Κρέσπο , Μαλεζάς, Βαρέλα, Τσίμιροτ, Κάνιας, Σάκχοφ, Μπίσεσβαρ, Πέλκας, Κάμπος, Ουάρντα, Ενρίκε, Ματθαίου, Αθανασιάδης, Πρίγιοβιτς
  11. I'm not watching the cup match right now but from what I can see nobody's gotten even a yellow? Could just be the app not updating correctly. Oly winning 0-1 right now, which means they're out. Game should be ending any second now. -edit- and just as I tune in more shenanigans
  12. Galatasaray missed another payment (500k)...which brings the amount still owed up to 2mm (as far as I know there is no progress on getting paid). If they weasel their way out of this with no penalties I'm'a be so pissed.
  13. And the ref is currently in the hospital
  14. We have a glut in the midfield, any combination of those players I'd be fine with. Warda over Campos isn't a bad idea at all, but I have a feeling Campos' bizarre knack for forcing really surprising mistakes out of his opponents could prove decisive. Generally, if Campos doesn't start out well, he doesn't end well, so I wouldn't be surprised if we see both on the field anyway.
  15. I really don't know how Ivic will go with this one. As JVC says above, defending will be even more important than before. Could we see a 3-5-2? That would be interesting, maybe pairing Pelkas or Campos with Prijovic. I wouldn't be surprised at all if he starts Klaus over Prijovic, though I hope that's not the case. All players are currently available and training normally, no injury issues beyond Mistakidis. My best guess: --Glykos-- --Matos--Varela--Crespo--Leovac-- --Shakhov--Biseswar--Cimirot-- --Campos--Prijovic--Henrique Though it's tough to tell if he won't prefer Canas or Warda in there over some of the other players (Cimirot and Henrique probably)
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