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Everything posted by Bananas

  1. I think Pereyra likes the freedom of being just behind the CB's. He can play as the lone striker, but yeah, I think he does better in any of the AM positions.
  2. Koulouris has been quiet. I'm not convinced he's the real deal.
  3. The interesting thing is that Pereyra is playing in the RW position. Take note Campos.
  4. He's a bit of a worry. When he burst into the team when Huub was manager, I just thought, he we go, look at this kid. But as you say, he's pretty much the same player as then. And that's 2-0 Pereyra. Nice finish.
  5. Other than that Pereyra has been very lively and playing well. Good to see.
  6. Poor decision. Very low percentage. They're the things Ivic should be giving them a talk about hopefully.
  7. Not sure, but their next GSL game is in 2 days so I'd say there's a good chance.
  8. Love that red truck in the background. Looks like it was built in 1954.
  9. Mystakidis's passing has been lax. Three times he's given the ball away with no serious pressure on him.
  10. Only Canas and Biseswar would be in our strongest 11 in that line up, so it's a chance for some other players to get a run. Charisis, Kitsiou, Mystakidis and Pereyra really need some game time.
  11. @ThrylosG7 Ha ha, I was thinking more like if you ask 10 Greeks you'll get 11 opinions! But the way things are now I don't think it matters anymore. Regardless of who gets voted in they don't have much room to move economically. I suppose (and I'm thinking as I'm typing) Kyriakos is the better choice as he'll be treated more favourably by the EU "elite". They are far more likely to be sympathetic to him than towards Tsipras. So there is that. It would appear a vote for ND is the more practical approach to just get s%$#! done! I mean, no one should really care about left wing or right wing with the way things are in Greece. They should just care about how to improve the woeful economy. About maybe providing some glimmer of hope to the next generation of young Greeks. But then again, I was speaking to an acquaintance recently and he said to me "What crisis ? The bouzoukia were full". I'm sure we've all heard this at some point. When I hear things like that it harms my will to live.
  12. This is indeed a tricky one. Tsipras, I don't care for his ideology as it has not much to do with what he does in practise ... which is not much. It's not like SYRIZA has turned all personal assets into the property of the state. I would say a vote for Tsipras is a vote for not doing much at all. A vote for inertia. Which I suppose matches what he did during his university years. A vote for Kyriakos is a vote for the old guard. He may be bright, he may have good intentions, but I can't fathom how he could've got to where he is without having to pay back favours. Which means more of the same. Which means more of the clan in official positions. Which means more people who aren't really qualified to be where they are. Which means more nepotism. Which means a lack of meritocracy. It's like asking me what would I prefer. A punch to the head or a kick to the stomach. Honestly, if I had to vote in the next minute, I don't know who I'd vote for. Is voting in Greece compulsory ?
  13. Let's be serious. What do you think it would've taken to sign Bibras ? Considering he's on roughly 2 million with CSKA, what would it take to entice him ? I would've thought at least 3 million and even then, it's just a maybe. He was a loan signing at best. Saying we should've tried "harder" to sign him is like saying Olympiakos should've tried harder to sign Campbell. Nice in theory.
  14. Don't worry kids. I would say it's almost certain Kyriakos will win the next election and he'll fix ... everything. The economy will grow at double digit pace, Turkish planes will be shot out of the sky, all the illegal immigrants will be removed and the debt to the EU will be repaid. And he'll even throw in (as a bonus) that he'll put an end to nepotism (the irony). Boy, I thought the U.S. had it bad having to pick between a baboon and a witch, but it's not really that much better in Greece.
  15. I found it surprising. Maybe this had already been discussed with the PAOK administration to try to get some "leverage" in the future ? Who knows. Either way, I find it tiresome to watch the same shenanigans each year.
  16. It just looks worse than what it is, because the Oly player got a bit of a bump. The Oly player didn't have possession of the ball. He's waiting to receive it, and the PAOK player gets between him and the ball. I don't think that's a foul even outside the box. Do you guys really think that would be given if it was Man Utd vs Chelsea, or Real vs Barcelona, or Bayern vs Dortmund ? I highly doubt it. The only place I see penalties given for that sort of thing is maybe U12's. If it was the other way around ie. Oly player bumps PAOK player I would never expect a penalty, and I would consider it an error on the referee's behalf. Having said all that, this was probably the best derby between the two teams in a long time. Smoke bombs aside, if we can have more derbies of this standard it would be good for the GSL. Hopefully when you guys visit Toumba the fans don't try and burn down half of Thessaloniki. I like flares, I like smoke bombs, but there is a limit. You know, maybe one day, PAOK might lose a derby and they won't complain about the refereeing. A man can dream.
  17. @ThrylosG7 thanks for posting the video.
  18. Honestly, I don't think so. If it's the one that Reaper was talking about, it's in the PAOK vs Olympiakos thread on page 5. Like Blackhawk said, if you paid those, every game would have 5 penalties.
  19. Allegiance is built into the human psyche. If the "plan" is to make people with no allegiance, good luck with that one. So is Soros in it for himself, or is there something or someone else driving him ? Maybe he just wants to leave behind a legacy. Or maybe he's bored and old and likes making comments on geo-politics.
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