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Everything posted by Giourkas

  1. You are right, Montreal is still small up front... The team lacks a true #1 centre.. We drafted one 3 years ago in Alex Galchenyuk but the team refused to play him in his natural position. Therrien insisted on playing the undersized Desharnais with Pacioretty only to finally relegate him during the playoffs. Where's the logic in that? Wish list for this offseason: 1- Babcock (not going to happen, how can the Canadiens Fire Therrien after 2 back to back division crowns? 2- add a big centre in a draft day trade. (Eric Stall, or if the Pens are feeling stupid Malkin). Heck we desperately need scoring at the forward position in general. The team has too many cement hand plummers. (How many posts and crossbars did the Habs hit vs Tampa?!? 9-10?!? You convert on half those chances and the series' outcome is in all likelihood very different.) 3- Trade Emelin (salary dump) and resign Pettry who was great for us in the playoffs. (I'm hearing the Michigan native may be targeted by the Red Wings).
  2. Do you think spygate played a role in the tougher fine? I think so.. If deflategate was the 1st misdemeanour, I think the Brady and the team come out of it unpunished.. Eli Manning coming out and saying that after practicing with a deflated ball makes it much easier is hilarious.. Hey Eli, here's a little tip: throw the ball to the guy with the same uniform! :lol:
  3. ^^Is this why we are going hard after Essien?
  4. @SportsCenter: BREAKING: NFL suspends Tom Brady 4 games, fines Patriots $1M, strips team of '16 1st-round pick & '17 4th-round pick. http://t.co/iolDCvOF2H To the NFL, I guess this means that he got a huge advantage from this cheating.. I must admit, I did not see this coming..
  5. Why do you say this? Are you implying the red card was to benefit PAO? You did realize that a Panionio win or tie would give us 2nd spot right? How does them losing a player help us achieve this?
  6. If memory serves the debacle of 2008 was over EPO giving the player permission to play only to to turn around and judge that he was illegally used when Oly decided to contest after AEK looked to win the championship. You know, the very same EPO that is rife with corruption and in which it's very president stands accused today along with Marinakis of organizing a criminal organization and of fixing matches..
  7. The Habs win game 5 2-1 to force game 6!!! My heart can't handle this s%$#!!
  8. That is ugly... I knew we should of stuck with Adidas..
  9. ^ reports are now surfacing that Brady may get a lengthy suspension.. (6-8 games) Wow, I guess the League has more information than we initially thought... When speaking of legacy, this will have a huge effect.. Tom Brady is GREAT, one of the BEST. HE is not Joe Montana, JM was squeaky clean. As much controversy around him as INT's in Bowls. NONE!
  10. The Habs won 6-2 last night. The series shifts back to Montreal on Saturday. Should they win again next game, things could get interesting as the young Tampa Bay players could feel some big time pressure!
  11. I don't think that Brady will get suspended. Nothing will come of this.
  12. I'm still pissed at the fact that Therrien put the forth line out on the ice with under 2 minutes left to take a defensive face off.. Cooper probably felt like a kid on Christmas morning as he sent out the Stamkos line. Way to throw away all the momentum Therrien..
  13. ^and you have the dumbass Therrien saying that no adjustments are needed (and the power play is 1 for 1000 this spring!). Hopefully he will be adjusting his lazy boy in the decline position in his living room with some newly found spare time! Akous eki "no adjustment needed"... I mean you only have the NHL's best goalie (Vezina, MVP, and Jennings), an elite D-man (Norris Candidate), and one of the best scorers in the League (#67).. What a waste... Suffice to say, when my team goes down, I will be rooting for the Hawks. I mean how can I not? I love your team's style and they have BALLS.
  14. Well after conceding a goal with 1 second left in game 3, to go down 0-3 in the series, I think it's pretty safe to say that the Habs are done. The blame has to be put on a lack of offence, which in turn falls on the stubborn and unimaginable Michel Therrien and his coaching staff. Surely he understands that the game is won by the team that scores more goals. I go nuts every time I hear him say that no adjustments are needed after every loss this spring.. To me, it looks like the players aren't happy. That the message isn't going thru anymore.. And what can be said of the sorry excuse that is the power play?!?? The team has regressed from last year (Carey Price's amazing season masked this ugly truth) and therefore Therrien and co. must pay the price. Even our defence isn't that great if you take out Price. I mean Detroit, with no goalie put up a better fight vs Tampa Bay... I would do the deed as soon as possible following the team's elimination to have as many options as possible as the next coaching candidates. Needless to say that should Babcock (McGill man) decide that his days in Detroit are over, you go after him hard.
  15. Great! Now I hope management listens to him the next time he finds the new Falcao!
  16. ^Which paper?? Do you have a link??
  17. Tonight we find out the Habs' next opponent: game 7 Tampa Bay vs Detroit!!!!
  18. ^why spend when the results are a foregone conclusion? I suspect that if it is proved that their is indeed a criminal organization running Greek football (are we still debating this tbh?), and that all the parties involved are punished, owners not implicated would me more prone to invest in their respective teams.. A cleaner SL will also attract more viewers which in turn will generate more cash..
  19. Although they haven't played their best hockey yet, the Habs were only been outshot by the Sens once in game 6.. Markov, Subban, Desharnais, and Paccioretty all have to be better..
  20. Lol Cocksta! Payback for being a fall guy last time! ;)
  21. For the older guys: out of curiosity, whatever happened to Blackhell?? He seemed like a good guy. One day a few years ago he just stopped posting.. Edit: I posted this on the last page of this thread and saw the above posts after the fact.. My bad. He was a mod on the other site if memory serves..
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