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Everything posted by Crazy
Camoragi or Koumourtzi like i call him,we understand each other.Epstain was called by Olympakos management and was told that he can only sign with Panionios and he will do it as free transfer.That might be the 1st step for Olympiakos to actually get Panionios money demands down and make that transfer posible.The rest news today where pretty much the same,Padelic,Baptista and Ndoyie.Classic things.... :LOL: :LOL: Gattuso according to some italians websites has talked to the Milan management and decided to stay with the club and cease all talks with all other clubs. Koumourtzi is a player that i want to get so Lienen can have most of the players that he has asked for to do his job.I really dont like it when a coach asks for 2-3-4 lets say but the team listens to the scouts or the fans or there egos and buys 7-8-9.Give the guy what he wants damn it.
You are 100% right.Getting players these day is a major gamble because even if you offer them crazy money,you never know how they will perform or if they will stay to the whole lenght of their contract.For me the healthier way is what Ajax used to do,utilize to the maximum your youth academy,promote them to the first squad,sell them after 1-2 full seasons and keep trusting the next new guys.Olympiakos was lucky with players like Giovanni and Rivaldo coming for a lot of money but at least they perfomed welll while were with us.At the end tho,Olympiakos was not able to sell them tho and make some of his money back. Also it is summer and the newspapers are trying to create/manufacture news a lot.I dont see Baptista coming to Olympiakos,unless we sell Derbyshire and Maresca,and even then,for me priority should be Coumourtzi of Panionios for sure,maybe Gattuso if he is ok with 2 mil a year and then maybe with a striker like Padelic.
http://www.goal.com/en/news/11/transfer-zo...o-baptista-from Newspapers here giving the transfer as it certain... But today i heard that Roma insisting for 10 Milion fee and Galatasaray on negotiation... He doesn't worth to 10M that last year he was at the deep of his performance... The funny thing is that today his brazilian main manager said that Baptista will not actually go anywhere and that he will stay with Roma..i dont know anymore.. :o :D
And lets not leave out the italians,according to the laroma24 site,Baptista manager,Alesandro Loutsi is on his way to greece to finalize the deal with the Olympiakos management with the blessings of Roma. http://www.laroma24.it/?show=article&artid=24631 Oh,and also Pandelic is also in the news today.He asks for 1mil per year and a 3 year deal.Kovacevic is the man handling this transfer. http://www.redplanet.gr/html/ent/555/ent.272555.asp
In a report today from sport-fm,they are saying that Panionios has officially asked Olympiakos for Epstain and with that opportunity Olympiakos will try to get the talks about Coumourtzi back on the table maybe in a swamp of players+money from the Olympiakos side.Also G.Papadopoulos might be part of that deal or Niklitsiotis or Katsikogiannis but the last 3 only in the form of a loan. http://www.sport-fm.gr/article/284728 Coumourtzi is one of the players that Lienen has really asked for to join our club so i would like Olympiakos to get the players that our new coach needs in order to complete his plan for our squad this upcoming season.
They are trying to stop the every day,different names and figures thing that is going on.If Olympiakos gets a big lead thursday,expect some transfers to happen by the end of the week.... ;)
Baptista to be honest i dont know why we would go after him....for power maybe but you need a more clean out scorer than a bruser.Trezege i was getting it,half a chance and goal,Baptista again,i dont get,unless to have him coming as second striker from behind,get the first ball,turn it to midfielders and then create space......i dont know. Olympiakos for center defender as i have said before is after Papazoglou of Panseraikos.Then the other target is for defendive midfielder 1 or 2 of them. Olympiakos as it is right now is going to be a heck a lot better than last year with less pressure to our defence because now we have a good,fast and skilled midfield to hold the ball up and create more chances up front. The only key part is the defencive midfielder choice.A Gattuso and Ndaye will be the best choices for me.An older and really experienced and strong one in Gattuso and then a younger and trainable for the future Ndaye. If we get them,i will be EXTREMELY happy and covered for this new year..... :tup: :tup:
Ok,the Italians are going nuts talking about a semi-done deal for Baptista with 5 mil euros going to Roma and 2mil for the player but Olympiakos is saying wait for next month and only as a loan,not a buy.....i dont know anymore.. For Gattuso there are news of Zenit making an offer to the player if he gets his free pass from Milan for 3 year contract and 3mil each year. Olympiakos coach Lienen supposedly had a phone conversation with Gattuso this past weekend explaining him how much he is needed to the club and how he will have a leadership role if he join us.. :unsure: Gattuso will have a meeting with Milan management on Tuesday so we will know by this week posible if he will join Olympiakos or some other team.
As Roma could have reached an agreement thanks to Montali for about 6,5 milion euros. Yesterday Lucci has flown to Madrid where he tried to persuade the Brazilian to accept to Olympiakos transfer. Selling Julio, As Roma can be able to sign Burdisso. http://www.footballpress.net/?action=read&idsel=65461 According to Il Corriere dello Sport, Gennaro Gattuso, after have spoken with Enzo Maresca, would be disposed to sign a three-year-deal about 1,7 million euros every season, offered by Olympiakos. The player but wants to ask to Ac Milan two million euros as retirement bonus. The same worth that Ac Milan asked to the Greek club in order to sign the midfielder. http://www.footballpress.net/?action=read&idsel=65449 This is insane......i am ok and used of the greece press but this is not them this time....... :1eye: :1eye: :1eye: :1eye: MAKARI THEOULI MOU :nw: :nw: :tup:
2-3 junior youngsters is what he was talking about.Papazoglou will be the 4th option as a center defender.He will be like Zevlakow was last year.
Tasos Papazoglou of Panseraikos is being rumoured also that he will join Olympiakos since the demands of his club have come down to normal levels,around 500.000euros. http://www.redplanet.gr/html/ent/370/ent.272370.asp
Brazilian striker Julio Baptista is weighing up his future following the arrival of Adriano. He has been linked with Greek side Olympiacos, who are prepared to offer up to €6 million for his services. But Sky Sport Italia reports a number of Spanish sides including Real Zaragoza and Almeria have looked at the hitman, but the Olympiacos deal seems at an advanced stage with his Italian agent Alessandro Lucci having reportedly just come back from Greece. http://www.goal.com/en-us/news/86/italy/20...aptista-heading
To be 100% honest,if Olympiakos really gets Baptista and Gattuso like the news from greece and Italy say,sorry to say that but i will chacnge my name to Total-insane and i will get a tatoo that will say Marinaki eisai trela.... :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
OK,crazy new reports from Italy say that Julio Cesar Baptista has agreed to the offer by Olympiakos for a transfer that is going to cost around 6 mil Euros. For the ones that speak italian: http://www.corrieredellosport.it/calcio/se...+l%27Olympiacos For the greek people: http://www.contra.gr/Soccer/Hellas/Superle...cos/282072.html
Damn that is a long post. :LOL: K.Papadopoulos unfortunatelly was dealt before Marinakis became president and Shalke has been checking him out for many years so you can not say no when a team from a better league goes after your player.I would have kept him and used him but as you know i am not the coach or president. Olympiakos has some younster,less developt that most of the players and teams that you have mentioned,Katsikogiannis,Soiledis,Fetfatzidis,Valerianos,Niklitsiotis,Vanderson,Vasilogiannis that for many reasons but the biggest for me,the fact that Olympiakos has not kept a coach for more than a year or months have not found a spot or seen the opportunities that they should. I really believe that most of them again this year are going to be given on loans so they can see more playing time than the limited or nothing at all playing time that they will have staying on the bench all year long. I believe that Linen the ones that he will keep,he will actually use,so i expect to see an improvement on that,the greek young talent(Fetfatzidis-Katsikogiannis-Valerianos). Few of the names that you have in your lists tho are not players that came from the teams academy,examples,Koutsianikolis-Petropoulos-Ioanidis-makos and to be honest,all of them or most of them dont see real playing time either.Here and there maybe. Olympiakos even when he tries to buy a young or talented greek player from another team,the price gets insanelly high,example was Tzavelas,how much was Panionios starting price 3mil euro or somewhere there. Me personally,it does not bother me that we dont have as many greeks as we used to or that the rest have now.You can not have or find players with the talents of Giannakopoulos,Mavrogenidis,Gergatos and the rest players that we used to have appear in your club every year. I prefer few and good/great ones than many and average.Again that is only my humble personal opinion.To get better greek talent and to make it better,you need a Bajevic style coach to stay on them and work with them for a few years,with a new guy every 2-3 months and the insanity of results and wins right away from all of us,there is no way to honestly make anything better. PS.Just for the record the club did not let Papadopoulos go,his father raised hell that he wanted his son to get more playing time and more money and had the Shalke offer on his hands...Olympiakos just did not fight the players and his family wishes.
Ok,again i am running kind of late so i will try to make up for lost time.Olympiakos new transfer faces for the upcoming season: 1)Meyeri Balaz-Goalkeeper 2)Modesto Francoua-Center Defender 3)Holebas Hose-Left Back 4)Ibagaza Ariel-Midfielder 5)Rommendahl Dennis-Right Wingman 6)Epstain Denis-Left Wingman 7)Miralas Kevin-Forward 8)Riera Albert-Left Wingman* *signing a contract in the next 24hrs. Also Olympiakos is supposedly in talks or let me rephrase it better,Newspapers and sites have linked Olympiakos as trying to get 1 or 2 from a list that has the names of Baptista,Gattuso,Ndayie,Sena. Busy summer dont you guys think??
I know i have been gone for a while but i have not seen any talk about our new president yet in here.What do you guys think or see from him?I know a few basic things about him.He is the 1st person that purchased a suite in the new Karaiskaki stadium,he has tried in the past to get involved with our basketball team but Kokkalis preferred the Aggelopoulos brothers and he is also the only person that had any real interest this summer to actually do the move and fullfilll his childhood dream of being the captain of our club.He is a man a few words and also i like him already because he is willing to break his own "rules" of not spending crazy amount of money on a single transfer since the team has so many needs to fill out our roster and actually spend the 25mil euros to get Riera for us and with the talks now of 1-2 more players posible coming after that.It is still to early to judge him but i know our gate-7 guys already feel a lot warmer towards him now after the last move....time will tell but so far he is doing fine by me.
89 best goals for 2009-2010 by tvgolo.com.Enjoy
He is free at the moment Genome,i am talking about book him now and he starts at summer time his duties.Unless Badovic and Niniadis lose total control and then i dont know,Kokkalis calls me up to set them straight.. :D
Some greek soccer website are reporting that Kokkalis has told Xrusikopoulos to book the new manager BEFORE the game against Pao and that Valverde is the choice.The idea is book him now that we know what to expect from him and lets get it over with. http://www.contra.gr/Soccer/Hellas/Superle...cos/266130.html
Lemonis has tried,twice and failed.Bajevic is what i would like but i know there is no way in hell that he would do that.Valverde is a guy that was succsesfull but left because of money and contract issues,not because of performance or players problems.
I know that we are months away from finding out for sure who the chosen one is going to be but i find it interesting to see who we think would be the best solution for the club.You can include only in your "dreams" kind of names,it is all good. I believe that the ideal candidate would be Valverde.He has been here before,he knows what kind of players we have and what changes need to be made.He has proven that Olympiakos can play as a "team" and not have the anarchy and chaos that we have been witnesing all year long with Ketsbaia,Ziko and Badovic.He has the character and the way to controll his players and to keep the complaining and whining to a minimum. The BEST candidate would be Dusan Bajevic.You give this man money and maybe his decisions with the foreign players are not always 100% correct but he can build good teams of greek vetarans and youths in no time.Plus his teams always play nice atractive style games,they are nice to watch damn it,isnt that the reason that we like the game anyway,wins and defeats are always in the program but i prefer to see my team play nice attacking soccer and maybe lose at the end that watch a bs game with half a scoring chance and consider that good game.
Now the greek press has a new name so untill i see a signed contract i dont believe anything......the only thing that i know is that Olympiakos needs 3 players and not 2 as our management and president thinks or keeps saying.LW,AM and FW.
Greece-Lithuania 1-0 A diving header from Vassilis Koutsianikoulis proved enough for Greece to defeat Lithuania in Tripoli Arkadia and extend their advantage at the top of Group 9. Dipping volley Although Nikolaos Nioplias's side dominated possession in the first half they created no scoring opportunities of note as Lithuania kept plenty of bodies behind the ball. Koutsianikoulis was Greece's liveliest player throughout, and gave a warning of what was to come with a dipping volley which just missed the target on 74 minutes. Fine header Six minutes later the PAOK FC winger made no mistake, beating Vytautas Černiauskas with a fine header from a Giannis Papadopoulos cross for the only goal. Lithuania rallied after falling behind and went close to equalising in the 88th minute as a powerful Arvydas Novikovas shot from range bounced to safety off the crossbar. England challenge Greece have 13 points from five unbeaten outings in the section, leaving them six points clear of an England side who could draw level by winning their two games in hand. Both of the pacesetters meet Portugal in their next fixtures – England at Wembley on 14 November, Greece in Olhao three days later. Lithuania are at the foot of the table with one point from four matches.
Kokkalis and cia did not gave Liverpool 5 mil for Leto,they did not give 4 for Gonzales.I believe that all or at least most of the money that Olympiakos will make from CL they will go towards the creditors because OSFP is 63 mil in the hole up to today.He has already taken money from the stadium and sales for the next 2 seasons so he has a BIG cash problem.There are not that many Leto and Derbyshire cases out there and to be 100% honest,they gambled and lost at the end.Mancini and some others said no to come and play in Greece and the brazilian player that Olympiakos had for sure,prefered to play for Salke and did not even got in the plane to meet our mastermind leaders.I am in the states and i have found out that much,do you believe that the Gate-7 or the rest red fan clubs in Greece will NOT bitch and moan to Kokkalis?I am not saying that Ketsbaia is safe but this year more than ever,a coach and the fans have said a million times,we need a left midfielder,no Djole,no Lua-Lua,no Leto,you will cover the spot with who?Zairi that is supposed to be Galletti back up on the right,Soiledis?Leonardo?In Greece maybe yes but in CL?? For me this is the summer that i made up my mind that Kokkalis needs to leave quick. He is great for Greece and all but he is not what we need to become what we all wish for in Europe.CL is not for rookies and unfortunatelly Kokkalis still acts like one after 15 or so years so he needs to say bye-bye.