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Everything posted by Crazy
Ibagaza will take Oscar spot that Belluschi had before so he is an upgrade comparing to last year and Rommendahl will take the spot that Zairi/Torosidis and others played last yeat had that Galletti used to have.So in both cases the new players are better or more experienced with what we ended using there last year.Belluschi was better at presuring defenders and stealing ball,he was playing more as an 8 rather than a 10 than Ibagaza is ,while Galletti liked playing on the right line and creating spaces while Rommendahl likes to come in the middle as an extra forward out of nowhere. I really liked Galletti and actually met him when i was in Greece so in my brain i have him idolized as another Djole...
I am ok with most of your comments but Galletti especially had and still has many more years to play if not for his extreme physical problem....we are talking about the 2 year ago first scorer of the club and really a tempo and game changer.Ibagaza and Rommendahl replace the sold Belluschi and the injure and done Galletti. The new president needed first to create a base,after last year catastrophic season.Many holes than need to be covered and it is not really easy to spend 100 mil to create a team in less than 2 months and with Valverde Olympiakos as i said before gets 2 things done,1)a coach that is liked by most if not all the fans and players and he is going to be given the time and money and freedom to put together his vision on the pitch and 2)a season with out many games back to back.1 main target was set for him this upcoming season,SL champion. That is why everybody is so optimistic in Greece......i just want to watch some good ball man,that is all i want.... PS.I would be afraid of Pao also but i need to see you D first after a couple of games to make my mind about it.Center and Forward you guys look really good,goalie also,D give me time....
Re prasinofatsa :box: did i make a COMPARISON between Pao and Olympiakos europe succes :1eye: ??Pao123 does not see future,you dont see present or past,what am i left to argue here with..... :P :D Next year, as this year happen, the champion of SL gets an automatic CL group spot,that is what Olympiakos will go for.....Pot 1-2-3-4 is good and lovely but Olympiakos has advanced before from being in pot 3....lets let the season start and the actually SL and CL games to begin this year and then we will be here to comment.... :LOL: :LOL: in our normal and peacefull ways as always... :LOL: :LOL: PS.Lets see Pao this year's CL succes so we can all celebrate together..... :tup: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :tup: PS.Niko,give me your grandfathers number,i need to talk to him so he can smack you from me...... :tup: :D Nothing but love bro. :nw: :nw: :nw:
Talking about Valverde now,he already has arrived in Greece,we went to his hotel for a few hours and now he is present in the afternoon practice of the team.He also spoke to Darko in order to get an update on the new posible transfers.... He will officially sign his contract tomorrow and have the press conference.
pao123 you see things and you comment thing as you like to see them,and that is ok by me....heck not all of can agree with everything but lets set some things straight. 1)Olympiakos is out of Europe this year.Nothing anybody can do at this point about it but in the last 3 years we have made it in the final 16 of the CL 2 TIMES.Not that bad in my eyes.What Pao had done for the rest of the greek teams in the past,Olympiakos did also the last couple of years,lets not forget that...Also it does not make me happy the fact that we are out this year but it DOES make it easier for us to get the greek titles back....isnt that how Pao last year lost and did not care about the Europa League so you can focus in Greece or you forget about that???? ;) 2)Olympiakos in the last 2-3 years has lost many of its prime and biggest players and also back up players because of retirement,not great enough for us or health and life ending problems plus that with all the coaches changes,not many new star players have stepped up yet to fill there voids.Djole,Darko,Galletti,Leonardo,Zevlakow,Pantos,Datolo,Lua-Lua are just a few that come in mind right now. 3)Valverde is not GOD.He never was and he never will be.The only thing that changes with him on board is that the Olympiakos team,will be again A TEAM and not the disgrace thing that we all witnessed a week ago.When he was our coach he was able to get results,go along with almost all the players and he likes to work hard.the new president and the fans think of him highly so he will also be granted TIME to work and to show what he can do. 4)When you go from players like Sissic and Datolo to a Riera and Rommendhal and Ibagaza to cover and play for you,sorry but i like that.It makes me and the rest REDS happy...we are weird like that.Olympiakos last year after the christmas holidays was with no more energy or players left because of fatigue and injuries so YES,i want 4-5-6-10 more players to join my club if they can help. 5)Villareal plays in La Liga,we are SL.Humangous difference and i hope that at least you can acknoledge the same as me here.... 6)The fact that most Pao supporters including you are more focused on Olympiakos and what is going on with us instead of the other main greek clubs like AEK-PAOK-ARIS it shows to me that you are afraid us the most.....as you should,so as i have said before,relax as you say,the SL starts in 20 days and we have the whole year to see who is what ;) You try to get my started and i LOVE that about you..... :box: :D :LOL: :tup:
I feel your pain but i have some new ones today..... :D Posible names linked to Olympiakos:Skoko(AEK),Mrtza,Venker,Cena,Subinio,Nekounam,Alpin,Alditop,Papazoglou,Baptista. Posible departures:Diogo to Benfica(maybe) and Maresca to any team that shows up.
Ernesto Valverde for the next 2 years is going to be our new head coach.He is coming to Greece monday night with Marinakis.Already Darko has talked to Valverde about the players that the spanish coach has asked for to join our club.Valverde said that he needs some time to evaluate the roster and then make his final report on what else we might need.
Wait,i got 7 new players because i lost how many the last 2 years????and the team still has needs,2 DM,1 or 2 Strikers and maybe a goalie.
We will be here to see who will be laughing at the end.......
Relax Barca,oups sorry Pao....with Valverde and 4 more players and no europe games i think our life will be easier than yours so better keep quiet.... :P :D
Now we have 3 names as the top dogs:Valverde(still has some personal issues but NOW he is talking about maybe coming)-Manthano(he is positive to join us)-Ramos(he would say yes but asks for a lot of money). Marinakis will try to have the new coach issue resolved as quick as posible.....so wait for more news in the next few hours..
Sharpo,do not fear, ;) Marinakis is all over the new coach search and we will get the BEST posible guy for the spot.
You are lucky because you already have my TOP 1 coach in my eyes in your squad..... :D
The first reports talk about Xouante Ramos: http://www.redplanet.gr/html/ent/034/ent.273034.asp more in a few minutes..
Houante Ramos is posible the new Olympiakos coach.... http://www.redplanet.gr/html/ent/034/ent.273034.asp
I have no idea about your insane vazelo,elastopappou,he was good friends with The2ndmouse so he might know. As for the rest i agree so that is why is really important to finish our moves,coach by Monday and player transfers as fast a human posible and get to work. Here is the official word: "
I did not compare anything as you say here my friend,Olympiakos sacking a coach is not a first thing for us,quickly and with out many chances or in the heat of the moment but lets not paint you all the rest teams and fans and president as HOLY and that it has never happen to you before....team unstable??.....my team is not even ready yet...... upset????who is upset.......i am olympiakos man because i am crazy,i would have been upset if i lost money or i was paid by olympiakos or something.... I am to old to get upset..... :D :D :D
The new Owner did not pick Lienen,he found him there and he let him stay but after the many mistakes yesterday and the demands of the fans and our president,since Marinakis is first gavros and then president,they will find a coach that understands Olympiakos and our way of life.I am not in favor of sacking coaches before you give them time to present to you what they can or can do with the team but yesterday Lienen and the team that he put together failed miserable....Modesto right back???,Rommendahl left wing,Diogo staying in for 90min???Ibagaza not starting even if he looked really good in his 40 minutes of playing,Zairi out and keeping Oscar in to do what??walk around??Maresca,did he play?? Give me a break....last night was a shock but if the "right" changes happen as a result of that,i will be happy... Marinakis got pissed of yesterday,i like that...i like someone that does not say ok,no big deal after performances like last night...Diogo got called in today by Marinakis and was told that 1)he will get the biggest fine in Olympiakos history because of his bs red card and 2)either he improves dramatically and stays,or he better find a new team to get transfered NOW... As for both, Lienen and Diogo,Marinakis told Moralis yesterday to not let the 2 of them get on the plane back to Greece....but was told that doing so might create legal problems and that is why they are in Greece today...otherwise they would still be down to Israel..... :LOL: :LOL: Sorry Cerigo but i like Marinakis more because o his attitude compared to the Vardinogiannis style of 5 poulakia kathontai and not a big deal..... :box:
Many names are still likned to us but i believe that Olympiakos is trying for Arevalo Rios,1.5-1.8 mil euros for 3 year contract and player salary 600k a year http://www.xn--capearol-g3a.org/data/conte...io-arevalo-rios and Jo propably on a loan (under 1 mil euro) since his starting asking price is 10 mil euros http://mcfc.co.uk/Players/Strikers/Jo.
Today we have gone greek according to the press in our lovely country.Apostolos Vellios(FW) of Iraklis(also AEK has interest in him) and of course Tasos Papazoglou(CB) from Panseraikos are the targets.For Vellios Olympiakos wants to buy his rights now but leave him to play for 1 more year for Iraklis while Papazoglou the offer is going to be around 350.000 euros + 1 youngster as a loaner.Just for information purposes Panseraikos demands a month ago was 800.000 euros so i dont want anybody to say why not many greeks in our squad...... B) From the foreign market we only have speculations and many maybes.....Ilan and Padelic are for the striker position and Tziolis and Boateng for the defensive midfield spots.... Kumortzi name should be tossed out since Marinakis yesterday after the game he was asked from some Olympiakos fans about him and he said:
Ok,after the Gattuso stay with Milan scenario ended,another summer "dream" was also finished today.According to some italian sites Baptista told the Roma management not to accept any offers for him from Olympiakos or Galatasaray and that he prefers to move either to a spanish or english club. http://www.sport-fm.gr/article/284989 Kumortzi on the other hand seems to be aware of the Olympiakos interest and he is trying to get Panionios to agree to let him sign with us. http://www.redplanet.gr/html/ent/653/ent.272653.asp Other names also mentioned today as posible olympiakos targets:1)Anthony Annan,2)Roque Santa Cruz,3)Macoumba Kandji,4)Marko Pantelic(also a Panathinaikos target according to some greek newspapers).
I might not liked his extra-extra dribling attempts that he was doing last year but it is an honest fact that he was asked to cover left and right for us all year long with our injuries and players departures.This year with more players and propably some more normal usage he could be a great asset and really contribute a lot more. On the other front,Epstain and Panionios started the talks but there is a 50k a year difference between them for the 3 year deal that the player had with Olympiakos that Panionios said that he can not cover.Olympiakos might be able to cover that difference so they can get the ok for Kumortzi.We shall see.
Damn,talk about quick moves,Epstain is expected to go to Panionios management in the next few hours and arrange his transfer to the club. http://www.sport-fm.gr/article/284917 Hopefully this is step number 1 for Kumortzi to take the opposite road.
Greek news are insane.I honestly see for us to make anywhere from 1 to maximum 3 more transfers and that is going to be on the cheap side i think.Kumortzi-Ndaye-Padelic and i will be happy......and no more players leaving us.Epstain i get it but i dont agree with the idea that Mirallas will be used in the left wing.But i will give time to Lienen to see that himself.... :LOL: :LOL:
Right now and i dont know how much of that is true,Olympiakos full offer to Panionios is:1) giving them Epstain as a free transfer to go to Panionios,2)1.3-1.5 mil euros,3)Giannis Papadopoulos loan for a year but Panionios wants an option to buy the player next year while Olympiakos says no to that and also the player does not want to go to Panionios to begin with so it is still a big mystery what will happen at the end.Starting point a few weeks ago was the 3mil euros that Panionios was asking so....we shall see.