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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/11/2017 in all areas

  1. The Panionios game is on the 21st, but the case will be heard on the 18th, and there has to 5 days window for the fines to be implemented.
    1 point
  2. I'm not sure why Arnesen even bought Antonis. He's a decent player but not at the level of PAOK.
    1 point
  3. What has been most impressive this season is the number of transfers that were good, or at least decent, compared to those that were shockers. Matos, Varela, Crespo, Canas, Shakhov, Djalma, Biseswar, Warda, Henrique and Prijovic are all good or decent transfers. Yeah sure, some took a while to get going (I'm looking at you and your gut Biseswar) and we've all had our criticisms of Varela, Biseswar, Crespo, Djalma, Shakhov at times, but overall you can't say any on this list were seriously bad transfers. The only transfer I expected more from was Brkic but we still have him as a backup so there is at least that. Oh, I forgot Thiam. Now that was a shocker. If you compare the Michel era with the previous season there were some good transfers, Leovac, Cimirot, Charisis, Rodrigues but also some bad ones Vellidis, Sabo, Olsen, Jairo, Antonis. So, overall, at least at this stage I remain optimistic about getting good summer signings and the work Michel is doing. Our three summer signings especially in Warda, Henrique and Prijovic have been especially good. Keeping in mind our current squad size is 26, if we get any new signings I expect players to be let go or loaned out. Goalkeepers The short version, I don't see us signing a new GK to replace Glykos, who I think will be the first team GK next season. 1) Glykos : Contracted to 2019 It would be nice to think we will get a GK who is better than Glykos but I don't see it happening. Good quality GK's are not easy to come by, at least not in the sense of enticing them to come to play in Greece. So I expect Glykos to still be the number 1 for next season. I will say this for Glykos, he's at a good age and overall he's been getting better. I wouldn't say no to a better GK, but I don't see it happening. Another plus is that he's a good age. 2) Brkic : Contracted to 2019 Overall, disappointing. I'm sure when he was signed everybody was expecting him to be the first team GK with Glykos as backup or being shown the exit door. Just goes to show. For the moment I'm happy to have Brkic as backup. Defenders The short version, our best back 4 are good, but we need higher quality depth. We had a good run this season with injuries. If one of them is out for an extended period, I don't see the backups as being adequate. 1) Matos : Contracted to 2019 Oh Matos, how I love thee. What a superstar. A thorn in the side of the opposition. Keep winning those headers and keep elbowing your opponents in the face. 2) Crespo : Contracted to 2019 I would say he's been the other surprise this season. Very solid CB. Very consistent. Overall, superb season. 3) Varela : Contracted to 2019 After a shaky start became more consistent. Varela is a different type of player to Crespo, a little more physical, not quite as good at reading the game, but these two complement each other and are clearly our starting CB pair. 4) Leovac : Contracted to 2019 After a poor start to the season, where there were many calls for his being replaced, also gained some good form and has been consistent from the half way point of the season. The four above are clearly our best defenders, our main starters when fit. 5) Kitsiou : Contracted to 2018 To his credit, has performed when called on, but he's no Matos and never will be. 6) Malezas : Contracted to 2018 Has been adequate, sometimes very good, but is not at the same level as Varela or Crespo. Still, good to have for depth or for games where Ivic wants to play with 3 at the back. 7) Chatziisaias : Contracted to 2019 Make or break season for him. I am hoping he gets some game time but I'm not optimistic. I can see him being loaned out or just being in the squad to make up the numbers, much like this season. Midfield The short version, we have depth. If we sign someone, it should be a player that is clearly better than anything we have. 1) Canas : Contracted to 2019 Great signing. Enough said. A true "kofti". 2) Cimirot : Contracted to 2019 Overall a solid squad player. Not quite number 6 and not quite a number 8. Can play the 6 role if required against weaker opposition but he's closer to an 8 for the most part. Tough kid who can take hits as well as give them. 3) Shakhov : Contracted to 2019 The closest thing we have to a number 8 and it shows in the fact he scored 8 goals. Cimirot scored none and Canas a solitary goal. The three above are clearly our best midfielders, our main starters when fit. 4) Kace : Contracted to 2020 Not at the level of Canas but who knows, maybe one day. Will he stick around though ? To his credit, has performed well when called on and a bit unlucky to not get more game time. He's not all that far behind the other midfielders. 5) Charisis : Contracted to 2019 Has gone from being a first team player to not being able to get minutes. Make or break season for him next season. Unfortunately I just don't think he'll be able to get minutes over the other midfielders and I can see him being loaned out. Attacking Midfield/Wings The short version, we have depth. If we sign someone, it should be a player that is clearly better than anything we have. 1) Pelkas : Contracted to 2018 Overall has had a good season. Is beginning to play like a man so to speak. 2) Mystakidis : Contracted to 2020 Pash's loverboy. Enough said. Hope he comes back stronger than ever. We need some Greek boys on the team and what he lacks in technique he makes up for with energy and effort. Good rotation option. 3) Biseswar : Contracted to 2019 What a potato at the beginning of the season. The brunt of many deserved jokes. Well he showed us, and I'm sure we're all glad to have it thrown back in our faces. Ivic said something interesting in the press conference after the PAO game in the Cup, that he considered Biseswar in the top 3 players in the GSL. 4) Djalma : Contracted to 2019 Much maligned player, unfairly so in my eyes. Maybe people saw him as the Mak replacement but he was never that. To his credit he can shield the ball and he takes a good number of hits from the opposition. They seem to like bashing him. Granted, when he's on a bad day he can be poor but on his good day he can really hurt the opposition. Gives it his all. 5) Warda : Contracted to 2020 Seems like a solid signing. Good to have for depth and rotation with different attributes to both Pelkas and Biseswar. 6) Henrique : Contracted to 2020 Expecting big things from him next season. In games against weaker opposition, where he won't be expected to have defensive duties, will excel. Superb option to have on the bench for when opposition tire. Forwards The short version, we have only one real quality striker. 1) Prijovic : Contracted to 2021 Please stay healthy and terrorize those defenders. Of note in the Cup Final when he won 3 headers in a row and those AEK CB's aren't exactly short. We have lacked aerial presence for the longest time. How on earth did he recover from his injury so quickly, ha ha ?!?! 2) Klaus : Contracted to 2018 Needs to improve, end of story. 3) Koulouris : Contracted to 2018 I don't think he'll ever be good enough, but we'll see. I've been proven wrong on so many occasions I've lost count. Players on Loan I don't see any of Sabo, Jairo, Antonis, Korovesis even Pereyra playing again for PAOK. ================================================================================== My Recommendations 1) Hands down, I think our top priority should be a Striker. If we had Prijovic from the beginning of the season ... who knows. And if he gets injured, what then ? We managed 52 goals, the second highest in the GSL without a striker. That is crazy! 2) Left back. If Leovac gets injured, Crespo can cover but we lose that flank in terms of attacking potential. 3) Any other signings should be clear upgrades or don't bother. Other Recommendations 3) Sack Ivic. 4) Bring back Tziolis now. 5) Bring back Tzavellas. We are lacking a social media presence since he left.
    1 point
  4. I see this as a possible lineup for Greece against Bosnia. Kapino Torosidis Stafylidis Manolas Papastathopoulos Zeca Fortounis Mantalos Maniatis Mitroglou Gianniotas
    1 point
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