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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/20/2017 in all areas

  1. He is so injury-prone that I wouldn't be surprised if he damaged his shoulder putting his jersey on or signing a autograph.
    2 points
  2. The man, the myth, the legend:
    1 point
  3. I just read that Hearts forum and all i can say is either A) The quality of soccer in the Scottish league is well below the GSL or B) Most posters on this forum that continuosly bash Tziolis dont know much about soccer. After watching the clip of him i can see why the Hearts fans were having orgasms , the guy ran the show , beautiful control passes etc
    1 point
  4. Warda's got some moves, I see. Too bad that last shot was aimed straight at Allah
    1 point
  5. Ti 3-5-2 kai 4-3-3 kai 4-4-2 kai kai kai... When a cross comes in and everybody is ball watching (the 2nd goal) or your keeper hands them a goal on a platter (the 3rd goal) of what relevance is the system ? At some point, every man on the pitch just has to do their part, and when you play teams stronger than you, even more so. Everything has to go right to even have a chance. If anything, the 3-5-2 in terms of limiting the opposition chances worked! Trela e ? I must be crazy. And yet, how many clear cut chances did Schalke have ? Only 1 (the 2nd goal). The 1st goal and 3rd goal were nothing goals. Just presents from Glykos (who to be fair has been good overall this season). 3-5-2 just means you're giving up space on the flanks to pack players into the middle. I get it, not that I necessarily agree with it. It's hard to say really. If we played a normal 4-2-3-1 for all we knows Schalke would've sliced us down the middle half a dozen times and that's why Ivic packed the middle of the pitch. The problem though with the system we played was that we were always hoping for some sort of miracle up front. Your two up front have to be really good to apply pressure. Mystakidis did his job. Klaus what can I say. He tried but it's just not enough. Seriously, if you're Schalke are you going to be worried about a front two of these two players ? On a side note, Canas would've been invaluable this game.
    1 point
  6. i say eff it and we go 180* the other way. since we have next to no defenders for the next match [its matos/varela/leovac out right?] AND we're down by three home goals now. id like to see an almost "balls to the wall" line up of glykos malezas crespo chatziisaias henrique mystakidis warda pelkas campos stupid klaus koulouris (for some reason, i feel as if henrique and mysta if give the roll, would be good feeders and a dangerous long distance shot) and throw in charisis/campos/cimirot/bisewar for whoever is having a bad game. my other option would be: stupid klaus malezas crespo chatziisaias henrique mystakidis warda campos pelkas glykos koulouris because they both have the same amount of league goals... what do we have to lose? p.s. i like vodka
    1 point
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