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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/22/2017 in all areas

  1. Even Chris Wallace of Fox News said today that he was there and saw thin crowds. Trump is a pathological liar. I've lost count how many times he's argued that he never said something when there are videos of him saying so. I'm trying to figure out why someone would be doing this when there's ample evidence that he's lying. Are they totally disconnected from reality. Or, maybe Trump took George Costanza's advice:
    2 points
  2. This is not about disagreement. Anybody that supports a far-right racist and bigoted person get elected or supports his government IS a racist AND a bigot. This is similar to helping somebody murder somebody else. The person that helps is an accessory to murder. No ands, ifs or buts. You pretend to be a grown up, so take responsibility of your actions. You support a racist (13 Examples of Trump being racist) so we should call a spade a spade. Referring to to racists and bigots in here by using the term is the proper thing to do --- no holds barred.
    2 points
  3. I'm really puzzled by statements like that. Please don't take it in a bad way, but it's wishful thinking. What evidence or reason do you have that Trump will change his nature? It's been over 2 months since he was elected president. Has he acted presidential? How about his hand-picked government appointees? (need I list them?) Billionaires, business execs, Wall Street (including the corrupt people who were in bed with HRC), and other who are anti-labor, anti-education, anti-environment, anti-healthcare, etc Right after his inauguration, he picked a fight with the media for saying the crowd was thin... His spokesman also said they had the largest crowd ever, in the history of ..whatever. Trump is lying, because we have photographic proof. But, why do you think he has the need to lie about something like that?..... Because he appeals to his rabid base that believes everything he says. The answer to your question is, probably yes. Though some Dems may want to watch a train wreck....
    2 points
  4. The way Pereyra has been treated by the club is a travesty. He must be watching Klaus and Koulouris week after week thinking he lives in bizarro world that they're getting so much game time. I'm not saying he should be starting all the time but he definitely deserves more minutes that he's gotten.
    1 point
  5. You can express your opinion without making things personal, everyone here has been warned ad nauseam. _Tzatziki
    1 point
  6. In fairness you can't equate a Greek winter with a Sydney winter. When was the last time it snowed up there?
    1 point
  7. If anyone came from outer space they would think America is experiencing a "huge carnage".... if they listened to the gasbag in chief, who right at his inauguration described a third world country. Did he not? how come you missed that but you noticed what Madonna had to say.... puleaze Of course, the real carnage was what Obama inherited from Bush and the Repubs.... but according to the orange primate O was "the worst president"... give me a F***in break.
    1 point
  8. Of course he's energized the deplorables. The KKK, the bigots, the extreme right, and the Russians all endorsed him. In normal times, doing or saying 1/10th of what Trump's behavior would have been more than enough to disqualify any serious candidate. So, yeah, it matters how he got to the presidency. We shouldn't normalize his deplorable behavior simply because he managed to win the White House. I'm not saying all Trump voters are deplorables. Many mean well, are decent people; they're just misguided as to their assessment of and expectations from DJT. Imagine how he would be behaving today, same with the Repubs and several of members here, if HRC won because she had asked the Russians to find and release Trump's emails, and his tax records, while the FBI director announced the week before the election that he has found damning evidence of Trump University, his ties to Russia, tax evasion, etc. For all her faults, we knew how bad HRC was. And, the worst was a mudslinging campaign for 30 years, with the help of Russians in the last 2 years. But, I fear we do not know the worst of Trump. If this is cause for celebration, then more people should have shown for DJT inauguration.
    1 point
  9. All bark no bite, god help us all, this orangutan has got you believing your above statement? He will deregulate everything, cut taxes for the rich, sell out our future environmentally, give license to imbeciles like the crack pot bigot in the video above, and god knows what else. My eyes are quite open @ELLAS75 This m#$%! is a "Uge" ticking time bomb of F***ery waiting to pop.
    1 point
  10. Alanyaspor, because Tzavellas is an αλάνι ...
    1 point
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