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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/21/2017 in all areas

  1. Of course he's energized the deplorables. The KKK, the bigots, the extreme right, and the Russians all endorsed him. In normal times, doing or saying 1/10th of what Trump's behavior would have been more than enough to disqualify any serious candidate. So, yeah, it matters how he got to the presidency. We shouldn't normalize his deplorable behavior simply because he managed to win the White House. I'm not saying all Trump voters are deplorables. Many mean well, are decent people; they're just misguided as to their assessment of and expectations from DJT. Imagine how he would be behaving today, same with the Repubs and several of members here, if HRC won because she had asked the Russians to find and release Trump's emails, and his tax records, while the FBI director announced the week before the election that he has found damning evidence of Trump University, his ties to Russia, tax evasion, etc. For all her faults, we knew how bad HRC was. And, the worst was a mudslinging campaign for 30 years, with the help of Russians in the last 2 years. But, I fear we do not know the worst of Trump. If this is cause for celebration, then more people should have shown for DJT inauguration.
    1 point
  2. Racists and bigots have been empowered by Trump's election win. We see it in this forum as well. When facts seize to be facts, when objective truth is disputed this becomes a free-for-all country. You can thank Trump once again. From the BBC: Trump inauguration: President disputes crowd photos President Donald Trump has accused the media of dishonestly reporting that there were empty spaces on the National Mall at his inauguration. Trump's inauguration (left) and Obama's in 2009 http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-38707722
    1 point
  3. Alanyaspor, because Tzavellas is an αλάνι ...
    1 point
  4. Behind all your rhetoric, is there any substance? Is there any kind of reason or thought process that you would share with us, so that the ones here that are worried can share your supreme confidence in this man?
    1 point
  5. Judging from his speeches, his garish taste, and his narcissistic personality, he will make America suffer again.
    1 point
  6. How's that move to Olympiakos working out for Tzandaris ? http://www.sport24.gr/football/omades/Olympiakos/epistrefei-ston-olympiako-o-tzandarhs.4487912.html
    1 point
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