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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/15/2016 in all areas

  1. Does anyone remember Whitewater from the 1990s and most recently the Clinton Foundation? They were both used as rallying points by the Republicans against the Clintons and the Dems. Conflict of interest, pay for play, treasonous conduct, etc. We wasted millions of dollars investigating those ..scandals, and spent thousands of hours debating the merits of those cases. I wonder what the Republicans think nowadays with the clear conflicts of interest Trump and the people he's picked to lead important dpts and agencies of the US gov. If the Clintons had such conflicts, Trump's are 1000 times more egregious; don't need to investigate them either because they're out there in the open. What would we hear if Obama had such conflicts?.... Or, that John Kerry was the CEO of a big industry that made deals with the Russians and then became Secy of State arguing for ..friendlier relations (lifting of sanctions) with Russia, which would subjugate national interests for private corporate interests. "Lock 'em up" ?
    1 point
  2. The Trump Circus is in town.
    1 point
  3. Yes, many European leagues are playing cup matches this week.
    1 point
  4. This guy is crap on the wing. Clearly needs to play in the middle for Greece, either with Mitroglou or as a super sub.
    1 point
  5. So funny bro the way you keep doing that. Your wit kills me
    1 point
  6. Comedy Central: http://www.cc.com/shows/roast-of-donald-trump/video-guide Look for Trump to claim credit on beating ISIS. Sorry, I meant Dickhead Trump...
    1 point
  7. Then there is this... U.S. Officials Say Russian President Vladimir Putin Directly Involved with Election Hack
    1 point
  8. There was footage shown of the violence at Iraklis last week and pretty sure it was from tv crews. Oly fans have been good, they attacked Bayern fans during the CL match, teamed up with the Serbs and attacked the Croatian fans, attacked PAOK fans getting off the train, attacked families in Filadelphia cafes after they beat PAO in the basketball,last week had fights with Panionios fans at the baksetball but every other team is the issue never Oly. Oly has never once been docked points yet the other big 3 have.
    1 point
  9. For sophisticated humor, I think Ricky Gervais is awesome.
    1 point
  10. Kalla re pote tha mas parete mia fora? Megali LAMIARA!
    1 point
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