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Mega Cosmos in Canada

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Great News, its about damn time for Mega Cosmos to come back to Canada :tup:

Most likely they will be available through Ethnic Channels Group, they are looking to launch 2 Greek channels and are currently awaiting approval on the applications they submitted. Hopefully they should be approved by the end of this month. Here is a link to their site: Ethnic Channels Group

Unfortunately DKSat, even though they will have nothing to do with Maniatakos, we are still stuck with him due to the stupid CRTC rules. In order to get Mega Cosmos you will be forced to subscribe to OTN1 as well. Its idiotic IMO but that is the system here in Canada, what the hell can you do?? :angry: :tdown:

So hopefully by the fall we will have Mega Cosmos back on the air here in the Great White North!

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Unfortunately DKSat, even though they will have nothing to do with Maniatakos, we are still stuck with him due to the stupid CRTC rules. In order to get Mega Cosmos you will be forced to subscribe to OTN1 as well. Its idiotic IMO but that is the system here in Canada, what the hell can you do?? :angry: :tdown:

That may not be the case since the Ethnic Channels Group appear to be a Canadian distributor. So you mey be able to purchase it separate from the others.
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Unfortunately Mike,

It is the case because of these new rules that CRTC has implemented. I don't get it since as you mentioned ECG is Canadian, if it was Mega direct from Greece then I could see them forcing you to get Odyssey as well to protect the Canadian service but in this case they are BOTH CDN services?!

Its protectionism at its finest, the only hope is if the new Conservative government makes some changes to broadcasting in Canada but I wouldn't hold your breath on that one especially now that its a minority government. :tdown:

I don't know how many people will go with this, I certainly won't subsribe because I don't want OTN. Who knows how much you will have to pay for the two of them together since both companies want to make money so I don't see any deals being given.

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  • 2 months later...

For those interested,

Ethnic Channels Group received approval for their 2 Greek channels today. I spoke with someone from ECG today and they said they plan to launch them ASAP on Rogers (initially). So far he told me they plan to launch Mega Cosmos and probably Alter Globe but he only knew about the Mega for sure.

Unfortunately you must have Odyssey TV in order to subscribe to these channels, stupid CRTC rules. :tdown: Idiotic rules I know, but what can you do. We could all complain to the CRTC but not sure if anything will come of that. So much for a free market, I should be allowed to pick what I subscribe to and what I don't.

Anyway here are the decisions, interesting to note that Odyssey submitted an intervention against them (Surprise, surprise ;)) . Seems they will be applying for 2 more licenses of their own and don't want someone else moving in on their turf- SORRY MANIATAKOS THE MONOPOLY IS OVER!!! If these stupid rules weren't in place, I wonder how many would drop his channels and subscribe to these 2??

Greek TV1

Greek TV2

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:LOL: :LOL: "Odyssey opposed this application on the grounds that the proposed service would be directly competitive with Odyssey Television Network. It further claimed that approval of this application will create further competition for the acquisition of broadcast rights for Greek-language programming, especially in view of the fact that Odyssey itself has filed applications for two Greek-language Category 2 specialty programming undertakings. In particular, Odyssey noted that, due to a significant increase in licence fees for the programs from Mega, Odyssey had been forced to drop that programming. The intervener stated that it would experience more such situations if ECGL’s application were approved"

Wow, if business were like that. On the grounds of direct competition :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: . Also will create further competion :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: THis is complete BS on Maniatakos part. Oh well. maybe this competition will improve his channels, probably not.

He will have to spend more money :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

They wonder why people do not support his channels. There are so many things that can be done.

I remember my dad calling the station and he asked why a certain soccer game wasn't being shown when they advertised it. After he asked they hung up. When he tried calling back, mysteriously nobody was there.

THe studio was being run by ghosts :LOL:

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Here is the kicker Georgios10,

Odyssey noted that, due to a significant increase in licence fees for the programs from Mega, Odyssey had been forced to drop that programming


According to what DKSat mentioned, they weren't even paying any licence fees to Mega, so what the hell is he talking about :LOL: :LOL:

This guy is a joke and I know exactly what you are referring to above, I got the same response once when I phoned to ask something. What arrogant pricks! And its the whole familiy not just him that act that way, must be contagious or something? :D

Why can't they just go back to their radio station and leave TV for the professionals that know how to produce something of quality?? Maybe he will go bankrupt from the high license fees and get out of our way ;)

As for competition, the CRTC has guaranteed that there won't be any real competition with their stupid rules. That is what I don't get, what is the guy griping about, in order to subscribe to ECG's channels you will have to have Odyssey so he wins either way. But it seems he wants the whole cake not just a couple pieces.

Let's see how much they charge now for these channels due to the stupid linkage rules.

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  • 1 month later...

For those interested,

The CRTC approved another 2 Greek channels today, this time from some unkown person/company?!

So we now have 4 channels approved, I hope we will finally be able to watch Mega Cosmos & Alter Globe. Still no word from ECG about their 2 channels, I have no clue if the person who received approval for the 2 channels today plans on launching them. Now the broadcasters from Greece have some options instead of being forced to go with one provider.

If I hear anything new about Mega Cosmos, I will post it. I am sure that there are others out there besides me who are waiting for this channel to launch in Canada.

Greek TV1

Greek TV2

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bad news guys :( ,

I phoned Ethnic Channels Group today to see what's going on with their Greek channels they plan on launching, I was told that they won't be launching until early next year (at the earliest). So no Mega until 2007, that SUCKS!!! :angry: :tdown:

Well, that is the CDN broadcasting system for you, time to look south of the border me thinks to get my Mega fix. It seems that is the only way we up here are going to be able to watch Mega & Alter.

I guess ECG don't give a rats a$$ about Greek TV, they sure launched the German channel very fast but no we have to wait 6 months for the Greek channels to launch.

I guess that is why the grey market is thriving in this country.

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