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Hello everybody,

Its been quite a while since my last post. Too busy with my studies.

Right now i need your help. I am doing a project for one of my graduate courses in Depaul Chicago, "Communication in Technology". According to my proffessor i need your input in order to write my reserch proposal. I am doing a website for the fans of Panathinaikos and this is my project to complete the course and i need the opinion of the fans so i can provide some kind of feedback.

I would really appreciate it if you can provide me with your thoughts and ideas in general on how a fans' site should be like.

in other words, what are the things you would like to find in such a website as fans?

how would you prefer it? what kind of categories do you think it should include?

do you have any preferences as far as the design and the interface is concerned? Do you find a particular interface more user friendly?

anything you think of is welcome.

please take some time to write your opinion.i really need your help to complete this project.

i would really appreciate it if the administrator could leave this thread up for a week and a half

thank you everybody, i really appreciate your help


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A) If it was accesible in English and Greek

B) Had a section with highlights and clips of goals from previous games

C) Statistics for the current season and each player (possibly even an archive)

D) History of the Team and club

thats just off the top of my head and very quick dot points - hopefully someone else can expland

good luck!!

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i'm not a vazelo, but what i would like to find on a page made by a fan of my club wouldn't be neccessarily things i find on other sites.

something that i would love to know atm is how osfps youth team is doing, and there is nearly no information about it to find. i don't know if paos website has such information, but that would interest me.

then thing like adonis pointed out:

history of the club: a must. and if possible with loads of pictures of the heros of the past. lots of fans nowadays support a team, but don't really know about the past of the club, or who carried it to win the titles.

highlights: would be nice. the goals of the last matches, historic highlights, maybe goal of the month?

stats: that too. if you want to find some good stats about your team, you have to search for a long time till you gather all the information.

languages: english, greek. i guess most fans are able to understand greek, but there are also some fans who live abroad for a long time and it is easier for them to understand english.

actual news: how are things going on with the new stadium, maybe a rumour section for transfers, transfer announcements, etc

links to other fan sites and the official pao website.

the teams anthem and some team chants. but just the nice ones ;)

i'd say keep the design as simple as possible, so that the visitors just have to take a look on the website and they know where they have to go to find the information they need. there are lots of internet users in greece, but very often they are quite new to the internet and sometimes it is hard for them to understand how some pages work (no offence).

keep it quiet, in terms of, don't add too annoying sounds to some functions (if you plan that)

maybe a short intro...?

i'd try to make something unique, so that if the people get to know your site and what it contains, they know that they just have to go to your site to find it. chants, "propaganda", violence pictures, results, news, etc they can find on nearly any other pao site or the sport sites...

hope you can use some of the ideas...

good luck with your project :)

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just went to the pao.gr website and they haven't anything either about the youth squad. that would be something that would attract some people i'm sure. it is not like the most important thing, but i think people want to know what they can expect from some youth players of the team.

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oh, and maybe not too much stuff that needs a long time to load. not too many flash objects and things like that. people go to nice websites, but i think the main reason because they visit a site is to get some news and information about their team.

i think the best way to win some regular visitors is to keep the page as up to date as possible...

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as they said previously keep it simple so its easy to update...

Also 1 section that is neglected is the history of the clubs strip. Maybe have a timeline of all the types of jersey's we had over the years, sponsors, and special jersey's we wore during our success' in our CL campaign.

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i'm not a vazelo, but what i would like to find on a page made by a fan of my club wouldn't be neccessarily things i find on other sites.

something that i would love to know atm is how osfps youth team is doing, and there is nearly no information about it to find. i don't know if paos website has such information, but that would interest me.

then thing like adonis pointed out:

history of the club: a must. and if possible with loads of pictures of the heros of the past. lots of fans nowadays support a team, but don't really know about the past of the club, or who carried it to win the titles.

highlights: would be nice. the goals of the last matches, historic highlights, maybe goal of the month?

stats: that too. if you want to find some good stats about your team, you have to search for a long time till you gather all the information.

languages: english, greek. i guess most fans are able to understand greek, but there are also some fans who live abroad for a long time and it is easier for them to understand english.

actual news: how are things going on with the new stadium, maybe a rumour section for transfers, transfer announcements, etc

links to other fan sites and the official pao website.

the teams anthem and some team chants. but just the nice ones ;)

i'd say keep the design as simple as possible, so that the visitors just have to take a look on the website and they know where they have to go to find the information they need. there are lots of internet users in greece, but very often they are quite new to the internet and sometimes it is hard for them to understand how some pages work (no offence).

keep it quiet, in terms of, don't add too annoying sounds to some functions (if you plan that)

maybe a short intro...?

i'd try to make something unique, so that if the people get to know your site and what it contains, they know that they just have to go to your site to find it. chants, "propaganda", violence pictures, results, news, etc they can find on nearly any other pao site or the sport sites...

hope you can use some of the ideas...

good luck with your project :)

All Great points I think...

As long as the person that's browsing the web has access to almost everything that their favorite team has to offer I think that it's a safe bet to say that' what you need to include..

One thing that you might want to try out and see is other major clubs in the world what their site has to offer. Check out Man U, Arsenals, Ajax, Bayerns, Juve etc etc.

I think that the more that browse in those web-sites the more and more you will be informed about what to display..

Good Luck my friend.... It sounds like a great project...

OH! A possible live chat room w/ a player (youth or 1st team every week would be awesome) - sorry last thought

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The best advice I can give you is to go to every PAO site on the internet and study them carefully. Then when you make your webpage, make sure you do it completely differently in every aspect. Find out what information you would want yourself if you wanted to find out about PAO and which of these you haven't been able to find.

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just to clear thing a little more, because i think that my stress for the project got in the way and i amy have confused some viewers, and i am so sorry about that.

I put up this thread up because i am obliged to present some kind of feedback on fans' preference in my research proposal. I dont mean to cause any inconvenience or browse on other people's ideas. its not that. your answers will be presented as statistical data in my project, and will function as technological design guidelines i will have to follow. Also the project is not going to be uploaded on the net for real. its just a project.

all team fans are more than welcome to through some ideas.

thank you all so much for your help and input.

ak panatha

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i added that because i dont want you to think that i am stealing your ideas or something.ok?

thank you and please keppe them coming

keep keep i meant keep them coming.not keppe

this is so embaracing like the L missing from the topics title

thanks everybody

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actually u know what would be really awesome

if u could do virtual tour of the home ground..say a tour of OAKA through a webcam at certain points and in a few seasons time the same thing but at our new ground!

ive seen that done at san siro by ac milan

another thing is a multimedia section were u can download wallpapers, audio, clips, windows theme etc etc

and than possibly a really small java game like a 5 on 5 with player profiles of the club (this is pushing it)

but i really like interactive stufff....in my opinion a website should be judged on the ability to maintain the users interest and the percentage of the users returning to the site (obviously in this case it mite be a high return bc fans will always return for match reports and goal clips etc)

and a chat room for the fans as well :whistle:

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  • 2 weeks later...

panatha, in previous post they have been placed some good ideas about how will be an ideal web site concerning panathinaikos team and fans.

categories like forums,chat rooms,history of the team and its fans,videos,pictures should be the base of your new web site.

thinking what i would prefer to my team fan website i came up with one interesting proposal that nobody in this thread mention it before ,livestreaming the games of our team. I think that would be grate and will attract many

panathinaikos fans especially those who are out of Greece,and don't have the opportunity to watch their favorite team.



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