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in a game that is more about the second place in the premiership since chelsea has a big point advantage who do you believe that will win?is always a good game with a lot of pasion and nice football so it will be nice for whoever manages to see this game.a see a tie 2-2.

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crazy, your 2-2 prediction will probably be the outcome although I would like to see Manchester United collect all three points. Arsenal is one of the most overrated and un-English teams in the Premiership. I know international teams i.e. Bolton are common these days but no one relishes excluding English players quite like Arsene Wenger.

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I thought it was a captivating game although the score suggests otherwise. United should have won but Grace's boy blew a huge opportunity. I guess when your father dies and you get accused of rape in the span of three months it tends to weigh heavy on the mind...

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