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My defence


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I just opened this site to see all the personal attacks on me from mainly the usual suspects (thrillosmtl, protathlitis) because of a simple light-heartd joke I made in a new thread!!!!!

First of all I found the gaysports site posted on another forum, Greek Soccer Forum.

Secondly, I never expected it to get the response that it did. But looking back perhaps I shouldn't be surprised knowing the way thrillosmtl has always overreacted to things like this in the past.

As pittman said, we exercise free speech in the west. The reason why the thread became a fight and had to be closed is because of the resposnes it received from the gavroi.

thrillosmtl, perhaps the reason I posted that is because I know how easy it is to get a rise out of someone like you. Have you considered that? Perhaps if you weren't always such a humourless bore and so easy to trap, that thread wouldn't turn into a fight????

How many times in the past have you made provocative posts? and now you have the temerity to accuse me of starting a fight by posting that site?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let me remind you which one of us is a moderator and therefore should set the right example? IT'S YOU, not me.

Your behaviour in the past has been far short of what is expacted from a moderator because you are easily riled. Get that sorted and you will sleep a lot easier at nights, dude.

[p.s. mods you can close this topic so there won;t be any responses and fights by the gavroi, so long as you please allow my point of view expressed for others to read. thank you]

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den mas paratas

U did it on puirpose

i opened a joke about you. in our forum and your friends were like.. oh we will report u to the admins.. blah vlah blah no class blah blah blah

which I found funny

which proves my point people in here trash trassh, but when we do the same they go crying to the mods

so save us the defence and I opened it cause I found it funny. u knew this would happen


u think I get all riled up.. haha.. the littleset thin in here,, yoiure quik to respond with personall attacks...

congratul;ations on getting us blasted by the mods in your forum and calling us dumb f***s

Bravo you should be all proud

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I am quick to respond with personal attacks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????

When? Go and find me a post. Go an open a topic calling me whatever you want or calling PAO whatever you want and see if I even post 1 single message there.

I won't.

But EVRY SINGLE TIME, someone has said something about Olympiakos you have ALWAYS come back with a response. ALWAYS.

Instead of ignoring it you respond and I sussed this out about you ages ago. You respond because it riles you. simple as.

Anyway, I explained myself above. So nothing more to say.

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I am quick to respond with personal attacks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????

When? Go and find me a post. Go an open a topic calling me whatever you want or calling PAO whatever you want and see if I even post 1 single message there.

I won't.

But EVRY SINGLE TIME, someone has said something about Olympiakos you have ALWAYS come back with a response. ALWAYS.

Instead of ignoring it you respond and I sussed this out about you ages ago. You respond because it riles you. simple as.

Anyway, I explained myself above. So nothing more to say.

in case u didnt notice u were called a m#$%!.. and a few other choice words in the other forum. and not from me

and this isnt the first time u have been called this

so dont say "you and always"

but as usual you still missed the whole point (no surprise here) that you caused what happened yesterday ,.. as much as some of us are to blame.. this is all your fault..for starting this

end of story !

now go back to bitching and crying about OSFP like u always do and leave us alone !

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Guys....teasing is acceptable and some times funny...But it also has boundaries...It's not nice to fight each other,especially in front of other people's eyes...

If someone posts sth you don't approve,for many reasons,ignore him and if you can't,just PM him...

Speaking in general,as far as I know,mods are here to set the example and calm things down..Not to provoque and turn things up...So,let's everybody do our work right,ok?

I'm closing this topic now..

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