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Hmmmm .... Interesting.....

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Quote from Ziaka at greeksoccer.com


"The problem with SopCast is that the streams are provided by computer enthisiasts who do it on their own time, and there are technical bugs that open the streams to sabotage. There have been few who provided streams on SopCast. Some started it as a stepping stone in order to charge money for the services. There were also others who provided streams in order for people outside to see the games for free.

As with anything involvong Greeks, the backstabbings were not far behind. People started sabotaging the streams. I am sure the people that charge for their services started sabotaging the free streams that were available. I also know that the people that provided the free streams sabotaged each other."

I find this AMAZING that after so long... pll are finally begining to see that i was right!!!!!!

Totally off topic i know... and im not trying to start anything again.... but it just shows that us greeks can NEVER do anything GOOD for eachother.... backstabbing is all were good at... anyhow.... :blink:

Goodluck to any1 who pays or HAS payed to use their services.... koroidevete ton eafto sas!!!

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This link is to whoever doesnt like what these idiots are doing at www.l/i/v/e/g/r/e/e/k/e/v/e/n/t/s/./c/o/m

If u click the link at the top of the page.... "Make a Report Online" u can report the website for breaking the law due to copyright laws etc etc....

This is only to whoever believes, as i do, that this BOURTHELO of a website should be shut down.

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Why are you suprised?

This is exactly the Greek mentality. Stab somebody in the back when they are doing something good. Nobody knows for sure who is sabotaging who. There is no way to prove anything 100%. That's why Phantis does not get involved in these issues. it's none of our problem.

It's a problem that concerns SopCast and the people who put streams on there.

Let me tell you that I have heard from Tzampa TV telling me that he has been sabotaged by thrillossalonica. Then thrillossalonika came to me telling me that he has been sabotaged by other people, and so on and so on ... You get the picture.

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i dont get the picture..

why someone would like to sabotage someone else when he is doing anything for the common good.

instead ppl who could provide us with stream should make a schedule on who is going to stream what so that everything is working perfect. instead this whole thing happened.


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Ziaka.. sorry to start all this again... i dont want repeats of last time.... i just thought id let pll know how they can put a stop to that site!!!

If i had a buisness and someone was providing my EXACT same product for free... i would sabotage it too.... so i think u get an idea about who is doing it...!!!

i think the best way for that website to be shut down is for whoever feels that they are doing wrong.... to goto the link i provided and REPORT THEM!!!

Then... something WILL be done about it :tup:

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The only way that site will stop is when no one orders anything from them. Capitalism at work. Supply and demand. Simple as that.

Additionaly you can't prove that they are the ones behind the sabotage. And I can't prove that thrillossalonica was sabotaging Tzampa TV or that Tzampa TV was sabotaging someone else. It's all based on assumptions, and you know what sometimes happens when you assume things.

For this reason Phantis does not get involved with these things.

I will say it again. It's up to Sopcast and the people streaming there to come up with a solution.

I think there is not much more to add to this. Let's not open another can of worms.

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Guest Someone

I'm gonna say one thing......

I actually tried their service just to see what it is that they advertise so much.... and their quality sucks... buffering still goes one.... and I can assure you that anything that the members here at phantis is giving for free is the same or better than theirs....

so, to future buyers... I advise you that their quality is nothing better (and worst i should say)... than what we've seen from the people here at phantis....

So, by paying them its like throwing money away... because what the members here at phantis do, is great, honest and i really really appreciate their hard work and effort.........

Keep it up guys....

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