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Udineze Calcio vs. Panathinaikos Athens

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Wow, perfect stream with 282 viewers, congradulations to the team.

Good Luck to Aris, Xanthi and of course PAOK tomorrow

Xanthi can be seen at:

LiveSports + - mms://

also on UBC SUPERSPORT which can be found on PPLIVE or TVANTS

If any one has a link for PAOK, that would be great

We all need to support the Greek teams in Europe, only with their good shows can we get more teams in Europe, which means more money to the teams, which will improve Greek soccer in General

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Thanks to the phantis team for the great effort making the viewing of this game possible for the rest of us. Now if only our club teams could put in as much effort in their game, we might have a chance to actually WIN! Good luck to PAOK tomorrow, I hope at least one of our teams can win. :gr:

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Thanks to all who made this possible. Excellent video/audio.

Unfortunately the ressult indicates that contary to what the coaches, players and fans in Greece say , Greek teams, especially Panathinaiokos are much weaker this year.

I know I sound pessimistic, but frankly I don't see any of these two teams going through, with PAO not even making to the UEFA.

And for those PAO fans that may object to all this I am an old timer and was at the Wembley, as young boy, back in 71.

Again congratulations to all those who worked to make this possible.


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Delayed comment..

(because my keyboard died yesterday during the match!... it must be that cleaning process earlier on -never agin-let it get rotten :)

Anyway, new keyboard is fine and the same fine and great was the picture yesterday

thank you guys.

as concerns pao, we'll get better, patience now. it#s not the end of the world.

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