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Sollied's Formation

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According to the paper Protathlitis, Sollied is keen on playing a 4-3-3, as he did in Bruges. This only means the regulars that were part of our Double last year must fight for a spot because Sollied is planning to use a different Olympiakos this season. So Bayevic's regulars, such as Georgato, Anatolaki, Stoltidi, and Kafe might find places on the bench this year. If reports are right our strating eleven could like this:





Bulout or Venetidi(LEFTBACK)







**If this formation is used, Rivaldo and Iversen (coming soon according to Sollied), will be playing the positions they are comfortable with, but who can play the central midfield role with effectiveness. Karagouni would be the ideal choice, but it does not look like he is leaving Inter any time soon, so I would say Toure in the centre. What do you guys think of this line up? ;)

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According to the paper Protathlitis, Sollied is keen on playing a 4-3-3, as he did in Bruges. This only means the regulars that were part of our Double last year must fight for a spot because Sollied is planning to use a different Olympiakos this season. So Bayevic's regulars, such as Georgato, Anatolaki, Stoltidi, and Kafe might find places on the bench this year. If reports are right our strating eleven could like this:





Bulout or Venetidi(LEFTBACK)







**If this formation is used, Rivaldo and Iversen (coming soon according to Sollied), will be playing the positions they are comfortable with, but who can play the central midfield role with effectiveness. Karagouni would be the ideal choice, but it does not look like he is leaving Inter any time soon, so I would say Toure in the centre. What do you guys think of this line up? ;)

before i talk about the teams formation

who is Iverson i am guessing a striker but need a bit of info on him

i also disagree with Patsatgolou starting at center back at the beginning of the season due to his lengthy time of the pitch

i expect Anatolakis to be paired up with Kapsis

on Patsatgolou is it possible for him to play as a RB b/c i am not crazy about Pantos

he started the season really well then became almost non existent

i like Schurrer as our experienced CB off the bench and can fill in for injuries

now for the formation

i can see us playing that type of style in the Greek league but not in champions league

yes our defense is much stronger then last years and it was a pretty solid one last season

but it leaves the club open for alot of counterattacks

the midfield u are suggestion lacks alot of speed

Toure is most likely very quick but alot of inexperienced to patrol that much of the field

Djordjavic is such a great player but has good speed and he is aging too much for him to handle

Mavrogendis i mean no offense i like the guy b/c of his services to the club but i didn't even think he would make the first 11

he started the season strong as well but really got sluggish, he lacks speed and creativity

i mean i would rather put Okkas in for Mavrogendis much faster, creates opporunities, only thing with him is he lacks a good crossing ability but i can see him playing in that role

lots of free room for him

playing a 4-3-3 it puts too much presure on the defense and midfield

i can see us playing against the good European teams at Karaiskaki with that formation

but i would rather go with the classic 4-4-2

Rivaldo can create more

but we must also remember that before Trond Sollied signed on with Olympiakos he did study alot of tape of them and well he knows wut is best for the club

power too him if this works

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Anatolakis has been the most inconsistent defender during his time at Thrylos, and if we want to succeed in Europe we cannot have Anatolaki as our centre-back. I feel that Schurrer or Patsatzoglou will better pair up with Kapsis. I dont know why Kokkali keeps Anatolaki around. Stephen Iversen is a striker, and a Norwegean international who plays for Valarenga in the Norwegean League. Okkas is an out and out striker who would not fit Mavrogenidis role on the right side of midfield, but I agree with you the Mavrogenidi (like Anatolaki) time is up at Olympiakos. Very inconsistent. A 4-4-2 would be not bad, but what about a 3-5-2. It is hard to say because we have so much depth this season, it will be interesting to see what Sollied decides for Europe and the Protathlima.

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Anatolakis has been the most inconsistent defender during his time at Thrylos, and if we want to succeed in Europe we cannot have Anatolaki as our centre-back. I feel that Schurrer or Patsatzoglou will better pair up with Kapsis. I dont know why Kokkali keeps Anatolaki around. Stephen Iversen is a striker, and a Norwegean international who plays for Valarenga in the Norwegean League. Okkas is an out and out striker who would not fit Mavrogenidis role on the right side of midfield, but I agree with you the Mavrogenidi (like Anatolaki) time is up at Olympiakos. Very inconsistent. A 4-4-2 would be not bad, but what about a 3-5-2. It is hard to say because we have so much depth this season, it will be interesting to see what Sollied decides for Europe and the Protathlima.

Anatolakis has had an up and down career for Olympiakos

but he played a very solid CB position last season

he did alot of good things even when Schurrer was out

i don't expect much from Pastsatgolou early on b/c its unfair

now going 3-5-2 is something we can really think about

we have alot of midfielders and depth on the defensive side of the ball

Kapsis is a terrific one on one defender

wut would your line up be with the 3-5-2 formation

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I think in a 3-5-2 our midfield is strong and would give many teams in the CL problems. Here's how I would line them up Olympiakos11:












*What about this line-up in a 3-5-2 system. I might put in Kastigio on the right-side of Midfield with Toure instead of Kafe(more attacking option). :tup:

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you're al forgettign Papas/ Mar my words, given the chacnes, HE will nbeyour best siging.

i really hope you are right. i would love to see a young greek getting a spot in the team and becoming a beloved player. a big part of our team wont play so long for us anymore and we need someone who will be connected to osfp.
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you know how everybody like me has been wanting another midfielder

does Olympiakos think that Pappas and Kirakos are the answer to our problems?

i mean they might not expect much from them early on the season but latter on

does anybody know how good they are

are they basically almost ready to assume position

if thats the case then i can understand them not signing more midfielders

wut do u guys think ??

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rumours say that sollied wants to give away one or both of them on loan because they dont fit in his plans. also giannou might be given away on loan. filippakos, vallas or kouloucheris too.

thats good thinking from Sollied

i mean he admits there not the players he wants and instead of just keeping them on the bench he should seasoned them

please loan them out so they can improve

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it might be good thinking of the coach, but it shows, that it was a mistake of our management to just buy players before we even had a new coach. it is good to invest in young players, but it is better to wait till the coach gives his ok too.

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