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Koutsis prosfygi


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Make Batatoudis pay from his own pocket? :huh:


You got to be kidding me. The ex-ambassador to Korea claims he is having financial difficulties in Greece, but rumors are that he has some big real estate holdings in Italy and he spends a lot of time there. Looks like that's where the PAOK's Alpha Digital money went.

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Hmmm....I wonder if Greece has any extradition agreements with Italy. They must...after all, it's the EU eh?

Well, my feeling is that Batitoudis is spending less time in Greece so that he can "fall off the radar" so to speak. Take attention away from himself. Because God knows, this clown was (is) as bad as Psomiadis and should be in jail for all of the shady things he's done.

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  • 2 months later...

Koutsis was awarded 218,000 Euro by the athletic judgeas back wages that PAOK has to pay. He is also demandin additional 200,000 which he was promised through a special contract between him and Batatoudis. He will pursue this through civialn court.

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