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Kallithea - OSFP


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wow ! watching Olympiakos today was absolutely HORRID !

First half, we simply came there to be of presence and NOTHING more, the point is proven when we dont even get a decent shot on goal. Obviouslly Kalithea is going to play the same way it has all season, load the back and make Oly work quickly, decisively and with killer accuracy. Of course none of this materialized, no imagination behind Oly's play at ALL. Giovanni was average and slow as usual, djorjedivc had a HORRIBLE match once more (he needs to find the bench, or galatasaray for that matter) Everyone else was ust as bad, honestly we looked like a cafeneio out there. The game just moved the same throughout, thank God Georgatos and Okkas came in, their presence was felt immidiatly with OSFP actually playing a smart and decent ball for a change from geo down the flank for yannaki who cuts into the box. Geo unloaded balls from the left at a pretty good rate which where highly dangerous, only bright spots were these 2 and of course the lame prokrish with a nice loss.

Much credit to Kalithea, once more Gkekas proved he is rather classy, and that in general they are a pretty well balanced Division 1 club. Good luck to Lemonis and the club.

As for us, the sky ahead is very dark and clouded, what will it take to turn things around ? I'am really worried at this point, lots of rumors flying about as well having to do with some players refusing to join the rest of the team for their meal.


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close call but thats how it always is in the FA cups in the early rounds

the big team like Olympiakos plays the smaller club Kallithea just enough to move on

which isn't good but the end result is we progressed

its good to hear Okkas play well i mean whether we like to admit it or not Okkas needs to play well for Olympiakos too keep winning

Georgatos has of late is playing some good football

unfortunately the same cannot be said for Djordjevic

lets also remember Olympiakos last game was 2 weeks ago maybe a little rust was a part of this result but Olympiakos should still play better

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