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Mantova - AEK 2-0


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A friendly, yes. Losing to a division C side, not acceptable in any circumstances. If this is our attitude in friendlies, the Inter game in a few days time could be quite imbaresing. Yes, it is only a friendly, but winning these matches builds comfidence. If we are going to pull on the shirt and go for a walk in the park, im afraid it could be a long season. Loses like these can build a bad culture around the club, of 2nd rate effort. AEK needs to get a killer instinct everytime they walk out onto the pitch. If you look at the last few seasons, the majority of our points have been droped to lesser oposition.

Just for interest sake, who played??, or more to the point, who didnt? Was it a second string line up? Not that that is an excuse for such a dismal performance. Every player that walks out on the pitch should be playing for the shirt, and a place in the starting 11.

Also, who kept goals, and how did our 2 portugese loan signings go, did they play?

I know it is a friendly and really there shouldnt be too much to worry about, but ive just got this feeling that we have to start getting serious, otherwise even a UEFA Cup place could be out of reach. These thoughts are just my opinion though, hopefully AEK make a better go of it against Inter, and show the world we have turned a corner as a club, and can perform on the big stage like a few years ago in the Champions League.

:tup: LONG LIVE AEK :tup:

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It will not be easy to assemble a new solid squad from all the new players who came in during the summer.

Players like Zagorakis will be missed and Younger players will have to learn fast from mistakes that will hurt.

Lets just hope the AEK financial problems will be solved and then the team will have all the time in the world to work for the best they can do.

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