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A Greek Team in Paris

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Thanx a lot!

we are the best greek team in paris (also the only one)

this year we won the championship (one point more than the 2nd and 3rd, and 2 more than the fourth -yes i know it was a thriller), and we also won a tournament (3-0 in the final game)!!!

next year, Aetos will shine all over France

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September 4th, 2004, friendly


after the fantastic last season, we start tomorrow the new one with an oppening friendly game.

we will play against SPM, team who also perform to change division just like us.

Last year we finished 1st in our group (with 14w 3d 3l and 86-29). In the same time in an other group, SPM finished 2nd (with 14w 6d 2l and 80-28).

We play last year a friendly game with them on their stadium and they win us in a thriller game 4-3 (we had 5 shoots and post and they had also 1).

This season will be harder cause we lose our best scorer who manage to sign in a bigger parisian team (and also score last week on a 1-1 first friendly game of his new team - ELLAS AYTO EINAI TO MGALEIO SOU). We will try to stay on this new division and not to go back from where we came.

Tomorrow, every parisian greek fan can come to see us on STADE DE LA PLAINE (in the 15th disctrict of paris), on the 13th of guillaumat street! The game starts at 3 o'clock on the afternoon

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I do as you can see

AETOS won his first friendly game on 2004-2005, having a revenge against the SPM team (who bits us last year 4-3 also on friendly game)

SPM - FC AETOS : 2-3 (0-1)

0-1 G.Anger score with head shot after a free kick of G.Mavormatis (12

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For who wants to come and see us on the first day match of championship, all the informations are here :


Le Samedi 11 Septembre 2004 à 17h30


Terrain :





Arbitre :


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:tup: :tup: :tup:

Great beginnig for Aetos who beats Comoriens 2-0 after a great game, a real english game played under a storm :o :o :o

We scored after 59 minutes with G.Anger who use perfectly a pass of Kefalas, dribble the last back, and shoot on the open side of the goal

The 2-0 happened on a counter-attack at the last minute. G.Anger serve Visvikis on the center of the field. Visvikis run 35 meters, and at the 16 meters, he lobs the keeper who was running on him.

Visvikis? it's me, Orfeo! Yeah I scored :gr: :D :D :D

COMORIENS - AETOS : 0-2 (0-0)

G.Anger (59) Visvikis (90)








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Thanx :P

unfortunately, i'm now injured and can't walk (i didn't feel it during the game)

For who wants to read the summarize of the game in our site :


You can also go on http://www.info-grece.com which is a french-greek site of informations! They have us as first subject aftr this good beginning :tup:

:gr: :gr: :gr:

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The third game in 2004/2005 will take place this sunday (19/09) on the Polygone of Vincennes! The kick off is programmed at 12.30

Aetos will play a friendly game against International Paris US!

I hope we will do the 3/3!!!

Unfortunately, i'm not playing (i'm injured :( ), 7 other player are missing, but i'm optimist because we are very strong psychologically (in 2004, i mean since our first game this year on january 10), we have an incredible record (16 games won, 2 draws, 3 games lost), something like Arsenal ;)

I tell you everything about the game on sunday afternoon

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Bad day for Aetos!

A lot of players were missing (our libero was at work, our forward was away this week-end, our back-half is going to leave us for an other team, the 1st keeper was injured and i was also injured!)

the "second" tam of Aetos plays very bad game and lose 4-1 against Inter Paris!

We played this friendly game in 3x30 minutes!

0-0 after 30 minutes but Inter was really better (3 occasions for them, 0 for us)

Then, they scored three times in 9 minutes (37 40 46), during this time we had shoot on post from free-kick for G.Anger, then we did the 1-3 with G.Giannitsakis who shoots from near, after a free-kick of G.Anger which was not stopped well bythe keeper.

In the third period, they scored after 23 seconds (1-4) and then we had 4 big occasions in a quarter to finish with a better score (T.Giannitsakis shoots out for half meter after a corner kick from Arbutina, Papadopoulos didn't manage to push the ball in empty goal aftera cross from G.Giannitsakis, G.Anger head to head was blocked by keeper, G.Giannitsakis shoots over the post from the penalty point after an Arbutina cross). In the last minutes Paparas (our 2nd keeper) saved us from th 5-1 with a great stop after an head shot!

pffffffffff... :(

I hope we will be better next week on a very hard outside game for the championship, unfortunately a lot of players are going to miss. today we also loss our left back (injured after 59 mn), and our forward Papadopoulos will travel to Greece!

Hard week for the greek team of Paris

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thanx a lot

Unfortunately, we will need more than the help of greek gods :(

this saturday we will be 11 or 12 players only, because 8 players are missing (injured, licence not received, travel), and only 7 of the normal "11" will play and only 4 of the 7 will play on their real place!

so if you analyse also that we are playing away with one of the best team of the championship, the year we are promoted!!!

The opponent, despite the fact they are playing in the 3rd regional division, they played semi-final of the cup two seasons ago, and quarter last season! Before two years, they finished 2nd in 4th regional division (we played together, 2-2 home, they beats us 5-2 away), and last yar they finished 4th in the 3rd regional division!

They are favorites now to pass in 2nd regional division!

As you see, i'm waiting for a very hard saturday afternoon :(

The game take place at th PARC DES SPORTS DE LA COURNEUVE at 3 o'clock this saturday! So if some greks want to see us and help us with their presence, they are welcome!

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For who wants to support us in this difficult game :


Samedi 25 Septembre 2004 à 15h30


Terrain :







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Despite a lot of problem before the game, Aetos managed to win away one of the best team of the group (fourth last year in this division), after having palyed them both two years ago (2-2 home, we loose 5-2 away)!

This time we won 3-2!

They opened the score after 65 seconds (tragic) but we starts to play better after a quarter. The referee didn't give us a 100% penalty (21

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Le Samedi 02 Octobre 2004 a 17h15


Terrain :



75020 PARIS



We need you!!!

We play against one of the favorite for the title (they finished in the third place the last two years), they had a bad start losing at Gretz (3-2), onthe 1rst daymatch, but, next week they beat 4-1 Grande Vigie! We have two games won, so if thy beat us, they catch us!

We will play for the first time at our new stadium (same as last years, but works have been done this summer, and it's now fantastic), but unfortunately, half team is missing and we will be only 11, and despite i'm still injured (a little bit), i'll play because we cannot play only 10 against one of the best team! This problem with injured or missing players is a nightmare at this beginning of 2004-2005 season!

Hope you'll be ther to support us! Come with greek flags :gr:

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Ok that was a hard game!

Some fans were there (for the first game home), we had greek flags behind the goals, and on our bench! Everything was ready for this big party in our new synthetic grass (F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C!!! better than a real grass), that was make during this summer!

it was also interesting to play against one of the big favorites of the championship (3rd two years before, 3rd last year, and winner of a district cup 5-0 in final against a team who plays in one division superior).

No occasions at all during the first half (some good situations for us, some goods situationbs for them) but a logical 0-0.

During the second half, they play better (in our field), but they weren't dangerous at all (neither we were). Everything was going quietly for a good draw without occasions.

But finally, they had a big occasion (the first of the game) at the 81st minute, but our right post saves us. Two minutes before, we had a good free-kick out with G.Anger (our best occasion in second half).

Finally, they scored at the 88th minute, when their right back did a good dribble in the middle, run to the 16 metters, shoots, and was blocked by our libero. The ball had then a strange rebound and get right in the run of their forward (what a bad luck), he manage from 5 metters to miss his shot, but he was so near that our keeper had no time to get back and block the ball who get in the post slowly!

a really sad end for us! But it was something to see them shout when they scored, and how much they sings in the locker room! We are promoted, a lot of players are missing, but we made one of the best team to spit blood to beat us! The quality of the looser is valuable in proportion with the quality of the winner and how hard it was for them!

we are in a good road to save our place in this championship, it's just sad that we loose car the most honnest score was a draw 0-0! Anyway, we're learning things here!

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