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Ivic = kreas

Stereo Sushi

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one of the things that s.hits me about our coach is that he likes to use players that he has relied on in the past. fair enough with geo (the guy is producing), but i'm sick of ivic getting the nod over players such as nalitzis.

ivic is past his prime and is only useful if he is coming off the bench. he is not starting material like some would like to think.

this player really annoys me at times because if he can't be bothered playing then he will drag the whole team down with him. nails is younger and has more of a desire to play and win. that's why i cannot believe that he is sitting on the bench hardly seeing any game time at all.

the more i think about it the more i getted pissed off!!

hopefully the frog wakes up and smells the roses before it is too late yet again.

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My patience is starting to wear thin with this guy. I never wanted him when we signed him but he has shown some positive signs. I did want to kill him in his first month for just falling down but he can offer us something.

BUT lately and even last yaer he showed a major flaw. His inability to play well in BIG games. Im not saying Nails is any better at this, but Ivic in big games tends to hide. He cant stamp his authority on a game and time after time we see him failing in crunch matches.

He is great for teh smaller teams, he wins fouls and carves them up. His skill is good but in the big ones, i dont know...if things dont go his way, his body language is terrible.

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I agree with Ivic and his body language, and my opinion is that he is slow. Though he does score and come thru in close games (see last year). But as far as this year goes, I think is just OK. As far as Nali gettting in there, he was in three games in a row where he missed EASY, tap in, goals. Its one thign to be out of form and totally another not to be able to TAP in easy goals. I think Nali is in the doghouse for the time being.

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When Lakis will be in again.......... so we can see Libe / Okkas upfront......

We have been also unlucky... so far with injuries... .. and also could only sign players in late transfer-saison....... for bloody reasons.....

Ivic is tooooooooooooooooooo slow that his problem........ for international games.... a non-value......

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For a team with AEK's problems, having a SUB! like Ivic is an asset.

Judge his as a player we rely on in squad rotation terms... I think that he can offer a lot still is used wiselly.

But I agree that he falls too easily and can turn himself useless depending on his temper in a game. He is also slower than his former self. He can still offer though. Dont be so hard on the man! Did you see the 2nd AEK goal yesterday?

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Yeah , I saw it.... although they weren't so many pictures available of this game.

Did you see the whole game ? Journalists said that it was a very exciting game.

Unfortunately... due to injuries, we had twice to re-group our defense... that's why we committed errors... which in 2 situations was fatal.

But both goals fell with shoots outside the penalty box area..or nearby.

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while you are right about his form as of late i think you are beign a bit harsh on ilja.

his presence- playing the way he does with his back to the goal, and his ability to hold the ball and pass it opens spaces to the goal. teh problem is, to whom? he cannot be used as a lone striker. our HUGE problem, as i keep repeating, is that okkas is used far out right and out of position. why nalitzis doesn't get a nod, beats me.

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most of our problems this is season have been due to the injury of lakis.........this was a massive blow to out team as a lot of our drive comes from the right-hand side with his devastating runs into the box.

had lakis been available there would not have been this constant need for re-shuffling and okkas would have been able to play in his natural position.

in respect to iviv, i agree that he is useful, but he is not the sort of player that can be relied upon..........and the worst thing that the frog can do is play the man upfront on his own. even an ameture could see that he is clearly in-effective as the lone striker.

i think we should all be praying that lakis comes back quickly and fit as!!

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It goes without saying that without Lakis, AEK lose a dimension in our gameplan. Ivic is a good striker to play off. simple. hopefully he can come on for lybe when he's out of breath and Nails can come on at that time aswell as i think they are both unreal subs. and whats happened to konstantinindis? is he back yet. i think he is good to start against the small teams when other strikers need a rest

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DA is right, we do lose a big dimension of our game plan without Lakis on the right. But I think you guys have been a bit harsh on Ivic. OK he hasnt had the best start to the season so far but he has the ability to turn matches (ie Real at the Bernabeau last season). But I do agree that we have some quality strikers and if you are not performing we have someone else to step up into your place.

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stereo sushi any striker on his own is inefective ih he has no one coming down to help him. we saw that with demis time and time again past few yrs when on his own. even though demis still did great stuff you can't expect anyone especially ivic or even nails to do anything on their own. it's very logical

I disagree bc I think that with one strker you can be effective as AEK were with Leverkusen. For one strker to work, you need a guy like Demis with support midfielders. Ivic cant do what Demis does.
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well ivic did the job for us again coming off the bench. that's his best and most effective role either starting for 1st half and coming off or coming on 2nd half for a spark.

om21 kala ivic will never as good as demis his in a league of his own. but demis had people runnig down wings and becoing 2nd and 3rd strikers. if same happens with ivic he can be good but not as effective as demis due to demis being quicker, skillful and much more of presence.

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om21 why did aek look more dangerous when ivic came on. was it due to him getting better service then what lymbe got or what? i never heard lymbe having any classic chances or creating much havoc. yes he didn't getright service early as i pointed out earlier which could be reason why he wasn't as dangerous as ivic.

but fact is ivic is good as that type of player coming on to change game around.

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