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Olympiakos - AEK


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I think Dellas should think about starting Chrisantus and Aravidis up front, both of them on their own are garbage, maybe with a partner they could work better. 


We have a really serious problem in scoring, we can pass the ball like barca but thats useless if the end product is not there. Literally no killer instinct.


I dont blame Dellas for anything today, he fielded a good lineup, the whole team played well, we were just unlucky. We also didnt create many chances, bar Platellas' shot and then that mix up in the 2nd half, other than that nothing. 


The lines men should be penalised, but thats unlikely.

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It wasn't just the linesmen, you can see the way the confidence with which the olympiako players fouled and dove on every ###### play. They know that when they have the reffs on their side they can get away with murder. 


You guys are wasting your time talking about line ups and formations. When you HAVE to lose because the system says so, then you will lose whether you are AEK or Barcelona. Telos. When the gauro makes mistakes and we break with more players up front they will either get a foul called their way or an offside called against us. When we make mistakes our players get yellows without second thought and we get scored on. Thats it. The difference between these squads on the field (not paper) isn't as drastic as the media tried to make it seem, and we could have came out of there with a result. But no one can get get out of there with a result with the ref plays you 90-10 for 75 minutes. 



We found our selves behind with a non existent goal. From 0-0 to 1-0 we had 3-4 CLEAR on side plays ruled offside and countless fouls called in the opposite direction and hard fouls with no yellows. Della did what he can, took the risk to get the point and they took advantage of it and scored. SIMPLE.....this game unfolds much differently if you don't have a gauro employ calling the game for 75 minutes. 

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Yes, the ref mistakes were terrible with the offsides but honestly that doesn't take away from the critical mistakes Dellas made that caused the blowout. Simoes was our best player, why did he get taken off? Ok I get it we needed to attack more to get a tie but Platellas or Barbosa should have been taking off instead since they were both gassed and because if we were still playing this game they will still be missing on their crosses, we also wouldn't have given up the midfield like that. I truthfully felt bad for Johanson all alone in the middle going against Kasami Chori Milivojevic and Fortounis for a little.

Up until the 60th minute we were playing extremely well and it was an even game, that's the sad thing. One m*****a and it all gets ruined and turned into a blowout. Didac, Simoes, Johanson, Baroja, and Galo all played well. Galo was really unlucky to be fouled on the first goal and be called for that penalty... Mantalos was ok, he disappeared in the second half tho. Platellas, and Barbosa did their jobs, crosses were kind of s%$#! and Barbosa should have scored on the empty net when it was 2-0 but they pressed well. Aravidis, Tzanetopoulos, and Labropoulos were terrible. The CBS were exposed after Simoes came off.

A certain Gataki "filathlo/proedro" also needs to be called out and made accountable for this mess. A lot of talk from him for two years now and we are still without a stadium, without players, without a coach, and the refs are just as bad as ever.

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Yeah because it's the refs fault you lost......that's right! Well done aek! Your the best team in the league! And panathinakos are also a powerhouse in Greek football! You guys are right oly are the worst team badly organised, lots of money problems no stadium, I hear olympiakos are at fault for ww2 as well

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First goal is a non goal, in any other league that is a FOUL.........and then show me the in between plays. I want the 3-4 ghost offsides, the countless fouls called in the wrong directions, the non cards on clear pulling and shirt tugging.....show me all that. 

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AEK was very unlucky, referring was disappointing, Dellas made some mistakes with the defence.. no point in taking out Simoes


for the amount of money Olympiakos has been getting all these years from Champions League they are a garbage team

Edited by paopsycho
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Heres a link as well. You know from the site who's reporter was almost killed a few weeks back:







I want someone to tell me this..........Up until the half the game was even. When AEK players were fouled there were no calls and when Olympiako players dove there were calls. Countless times where the ref was supposed to pull out yellows he didn't.... instead he gave us yellows and even to our BENCH! (where else do you see s%$#! like this...........but lets get passed that....lets exclude the numerous wrong foul calls............


........you have 3 plays where a player could have been tet a tet whistled offside when the play wasn't even close....this is at 0-0 and 1-0........then you have a goal that was scored off of a foul before the corner and after the corner.........This play changes the entire progression of the game. 



.......the team opens up and in order to add more attacking options Dellas takes out Simoes. We expose Tzanetopoulo who on three occasions puts the team in danger and two of them lead to goals. 







Is there any doubt in here that the actions of the ref and linesmen before the 75th minute was the deciding factor in how this game progressed? Had you been at 0-0 at 75 does Della still take out Simoes to try and get a goal? No he doesnt. Like Demi and I have said, there is no need for a soccer analysis here as this result was dictated by pre-existing factors. 

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Tzanetopoulos was the one that got exposed, Labropoulos was the much much better one of the two but still pretty poor.

Melissanidis is the scapegoat for me because he left the team with major holes in attack and defense. But Dellas isn't blame free either.

In the Xanthi, PAOK, and Veria games Dellas did not study the opponent well and we played terribly. In this game for 60 minutes he set us up so well to steal a point or three, but he threw it away with his substitutions. Yeah the refs were bad but it doesn't equate to a 4-0 ass kicking embarrassment. There's also a recurring theme here with Dellas messing up in away games. If we struggle next week at home against Iraklis, and we lose against PAO as easy as we did in the first two derbies, then Dellas' position should be reconsidered.

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Bro the entire progression of the match was changed because of a non existent goal and a good half dozen of our dangerous plays being whistled by non existent calls. Had the gauro not scored that goal the team doesn't open up as much and you also keep Simoes on the field. All three goals came as a result of the missing Simoes on the field. 


70th minute with no score and this turns into a completely different game. 

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Aside from the fact that a man who was court ordered to stay away from soccer is still making public announcements as president of the team, i think Marinakis' post game s%$#! talking was the best thing that could have happened to us. You can't have an inconsistent (who was good today) Lampropoulo and a 20 year old DM Tzanetopoulo to completely crumble once Simoes is taken out of the mix. Our preseason decisions to not get a CF and CB were disastrous , thank god Didac has beena  good move up until now. Hopefully the fataoul's words light a fire under gatouli. 

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I understand that but that clown did allow the 1st goal to stand, yeah we were cut up 4 times by wrongfully ruled offsides, but we also allowed 4 goals... If it ended 1-0, 2-0, even 3-0 id be right there with you, but a 4-0 karpazia can't be blamed all on the refs. Everyone at the club has to be held accountable for this starting up top with the Gataki who hasn't spent a dime, to Bajavic bringing in his friends like Bouroutzikas to the team and hurting our growth, to Dellas making mistakes with substitutions, to Milovanovic picking palta like Arzo and Chrisantus and paying them more money than Mantalos (Arzo gets 250k a year and hasn't been in the apostoli all year), to the players for making amateur mistakes, and to the training staff that hasn't been able to heal Rafik yet and all our players being gassed by the 60th minute.

Yes the refs were bad, but we were exposed greatly today, hopefully we learn from this. We had an extremely hard schedule to start the year, after the game with PAO with a stretch of like 7 very winnable games.

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Aside from the fact that a man who was court ordered to stay away from soccer is still making public announcements as president of the team, i think Marinakis' post game s%$#! talking was the best thing that could have happened to us. You can't have an inconsistent (who was good today) Lampropoulo and a 20 year old DM Tzanetopoulo to completely crumble once Simoes is taken out of the mix. Our preseason decisions to not get a CF and CB were disastrous , thank god Didac has beena good move up until now. Hopefully the fataoul's words light a fire under gatouli.

This needs to be stressed over and over again, absolutely 1000000% agreed

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I agree on everything Original21 but these are words for another day. Like I said before, you could have had Pujol in the back and Messi int he front and they would have found a way to win with the help of their 12th man. You felt the corruption from the first minutes of the game and trust me, had the game been closer till the end we would have seen much worse. If this doesn't change first you can spend as much money as you want and theyll fix the matches against you. 

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I agree on everything Original21 but these are words for another day. Like I said before, you could have had Pujol in the back and Messi int he front and they would have found a way to win with the help of their 12th man. You felt the corruption from the first minutes of the game and trust me, had the game been closer till the end we would have seen much worse. If this doesn't change first you can spend as much money as you want and theyll fix the matches against you. 

So sad that the team that was favorite to take the league lost in such a way. All can be blamed on corruption. Not that Olympiacos team is five times more valuated then Aeks , they played at home , they played better etc.


On transfermarkt Olympiacos is valuated to 95 miljon Euros versus 22 for AEK. But hey who cares.


I believe this AEK team could have easily beaten Arsenal and Bayern Munich. It is that good. You really dont need to invest in this team. It got it all.

Once the corruption is gone you will blow the league away.

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My opinion, Dellas f*cked us by taking off Simeos and opening up our midfield, I know he was chasing the game but ffs take off a winger, not a guy who one was of our best. Oly's coach was smart and got Fourtounis ready after that and we saw what he did.


The offside calls and fouls that weren't given I wont even bother with, its honestly a waste of time but it does show how shallow Oly really are with the players they have and the money they have poured to need calls like that to beat a young AEK side.


Overall 4-0 sounds bad but those that watched the game would know it really wasn't a 4-0 game.


All I have heard is people taking digs at meli and I want to ask "where would AEK be if Meli didn't take over" think about that for a second.


Yes he may need to spend money but when we are winning game NO ONE says Meli needs to spend then, its when we lose everyone starts that sh*t. He isn't the type to come out and spend like crazy.


I have said enough bad result but we move onto next week.

Edited by Original Sydney
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