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Papadopoulos as center forward


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Well I think the guy would be much more effective if he were to play strictly as a center forward as opposed to roaming around on the left. His problem is he tries to do too much and ends up losing control. In the middle he has less to do; he can focus on scoring. Since he is quick, this would work for him. Take a look at his positioning for his recent goals. I think the fact that he's been scoring lately is due to him staying around the middle more often. I mean, look at what Wenger did with Henry; he certainly wasn't a bad player when he was on the wing but look what happened when he was positioned in the center. It would not only be good for us but for the NT as well. What do you guys think?

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Well I think the guy would be much more effective if he were to play strictly as a center forward as opposed to roaming around on the left. His problem is he tries to do too much and ends up losing control. In the middle he has less to do; he can focus on scoring. Since he is quick, this would work for him. Take a look at his positioning for his recent goals. I think the fact that he's been scoring lately is due to him staying around the middle more often. I mean, look at what Wenger did with Henry; he certainly wasn't a bad player when he was on the wing but look what happened when he was positioned in the center. It would not only be good for us but for the NT as well. What do you guys think?

Henry always drifted to the left though, even after Wenger made him a centre-forward. The reason Henry was more effective under Wenger was simply because he improved as a player. With Pap though, you are 100% right. He should only be concerned with playing centrally.
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