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Greek Media Info

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All this talk about this channel coming or that channel maybe coming got me interested in looking at the Greek media landscape. I finally came across an article that layed out pretty much who owns what, not surprising like most countries in the world nowdays, most of the TV channels & radio stations are owned by a small group of companies. I also now know why the guys on the morning show on MEGA always go through the newspapers each day- the people who own MEGA also own newspapers.

Anyway, for those interested here is a summary list of who owns what in Greece:

D. Kontiminas

Alpha TV

Alpha 98.9 FM Athens

Channel Nine

Cosmo TV

Palmos 96.5 FM Thessaloniki

G. Kouris

Alter Channel

MAD TV (A. Kouris)

MAD Radio (A. Kouris)

Orange Radio

Love Radio

Radio Veronica 97.8 FM Athens (50-50 with Nikos Xatzinikolaou)

Minos Kyriakou (ANT1 Group)


ANT1 Gold

Makedonia TV

ANT1 97.2 FM Athens

ANT1 97.5 FM Thessaloniki

Rythmos Radio 94.9 FM Athens

Banana 104 FM





NET 105.8 FM Athens

Deytero 103.7 FM Athens

ERA 3 90.9 FM Athens

ERA Spor 101.8 FM Athens

Kosmos 93.6 FM Athens

Teletypos (MEGA Channel)

Pegasus S.A. (G. Bobolas) 24.07%

Lambrakis Press 22.11%

K. Tegopoulos 2.67%

Vardinoiannis 10%

These are the major shareholders in MEGA channel, the rest of the company is owned by various inverstors.

Alafouzou Group

Skai TV

Skai 100.3 FM Athens

Melodia FM 99.2 Athens

Red FM 96.3 Athens

Angel Radio

Vardinogiannis Group

Star Channel

MEGA Channel (minority share)

Soho 89.8 FM Athens

Diesi 101.3 FM Athens

Greek Media


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uummm I'm pretty sure all morning shows go thru the newspapers to what I've seen...

Also I think Alafouzou Group used to own ALPHA before they sold it to Kontiminas

I was just going to post a comment about the news papers. The other channels do the same.
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uummm I'm pretty sure all morning shows go thru the newspapers to what I've seen...

Also I think Alafouzou Group used to own ALPHA before they sold it to Kontiminas

I think I've seen this on ANT1 too but not the other channels. In any event, I think its stupid and aside from the ownership issue, what is the point of reading newspapers on TV?? Is this done anywhere else or only in Greece?? I am watching TV, if I want to know what is in a newspaper, I will go get one and read it, these guys are very weird?! :blink:

Alafouzou Group DID own Alpha back when it was named Skai. I believe they sold it to someone else and then that person sold it to Kontominas, read that somewhere but I could be mistaken. Now they are back again with Skai TV ver. 2.0 :D

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uummm I'm pretty sure all morning shows go thru the newspapers to what I've seen...

Also I think Alafouzou Group used to own ALPHA before they sold it to Kontiminas

I think I've seen this on ANT1 too but not the other channels. In any event, I think its stupid and aside from the ownership issue, what is the point of reading newspapers on TV?? Is this done anywhere else or only in Greece?? I am watching TV, if I want to know what is in a newspaper, I will go get one and read it, these guys are very weird?! :blink:

Alafouzou Group DID own Alpha back when it was named Skai. I believe they sold it to someone else and then that person sold it to Kontominas, read that somewhere but I could be mistaken. Now they are back again with Skai TV ver. 2.0 :D

I have seen the newspapers on both ERT and Alter. They do it to go through all of the current news out there, since different ones have different stories and sources.

Also I think that Alafouzou group sold Alpha (SKAI then) directly to Kontominas who renamed is ALPHA-SKY or something, eventially making it into present day Alpha.

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I think I've seen this on ANT1 too but not the other channels.

Mega does it too, as well as Star and Alpha, in addition to ANT1. It has become a staple of morning shows. Personally, I like it. It's the TV equivalent of hanging by the periptero and reading the front page. :D

I actually think that Pasvantidis on Kanali 29 started it. Maybe papadakis was doing it too with just the headlines, but Pasvantidis was the one who started reading articles etc as well.

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